Latest comp trackers will be available here. In ALL BEEHVE comps we reserve right to disqualify for botting. We only reward honest racers.

  • Expect a 15-20 min lag time for races to propagate to the chart. 

To see all BEEHVE Comps go to and select the "Comps" tab.
You will notice that each racer has a color or 'flight'. The flights are defined as follows:

*** If you are in the Yellow flight, you must make the 250r in the current comp to hold your spot on the team.  See chart at bottom of this page to see list and how many races left. 


*20 races required on join day or kick.

*7 days of inactivity will auto kick.

*250 races/week required.

We are a competitive team.  If you are not able to commit to our requirements, BEEHVE is probably not a good fit for you.  We do regular 7-day Comps.  If you miss the 250 for one comp, you will get a pass, but if you miss 2 comps in a row, we will remove you to make room for more competitive racers.  

The list below is intended help racers know when they missed the BEEHVE required #races in the prior comp and how many races are needed prior to the end of the current comp to hold your place on our team.

If you are on this list, you were A) On our Team at the start or previous comp, and B) did not meet the minimum week requirements of 250 weekly races for previous comp.