
Standard Package

My standard package includes -

2 detailed prenatal visits that cover:

  • Support creating a birth plan
  • Information on what to expect and your various options
  • Relaxation techniques and practice
  • Birth positions
  • Comfort options during labor
  • Planning for the postpartum period

Continuous labor and birth support:

  • Being available during the first stages of labor to meet you at your house and help determine when to head to the hospital
  • Emotional and physical support that was discussed in the pre-natal appointments

2 postpartum visits that offer:

  • Breastfeeding support
  • Emotional support to debrief the birth and answer questions you may have
  • Loads of reassurance and encouragement

I can provide a birth ball you can borrow during labor should you need one. I also have a TENS machine that is available for you to use during the birth.


I offer a sliding scale fee between $700-$1000. At the first prenatal visit I take a $500 deposit. After the birth, at the first postpartum visit, you pay the remainder of the fee $200-$500, taking into consideration your financial situation and your satisfaction with the quality of service.

If you are a repeat client, I will attend your birth at a discounted rate.

My hope is that everyone who longs to have a doula present at their birth has access to one regardless of cost. If you have financial constraints, please let me know and we can discuss this further.

Service Area

The South Bay Area and Peninsula