Beazley's Computer Science Resource Center

Beazley's CS implementation Plan

Problem Based Learning (PBL) & 

Problem Based Assessments (PBA)

How will we integrate the Computer Science Standards into Core Content Area at Beazley?

Vocabulary Immersion & CS Experiences

Use me (ITRT) as a Resource:

Beazleys CS Standards Integration Plan 2019 - 2020.pdf

Why are we focusing on Computer Science at L L Beazley?

The 2016 Virginia General Assembly approved legislation requiring that the Standard of Learning include computer science and computational thinking, including computer coding. As a result, the Computer Science Standards of Learning were developed in 2017. The K - 8 standards were designed to be integrated into instruction in multiple subject areas including mathematics, science, history, English, and fine arts.

The core practices of computer science, including collaboration, communication, and fostering an inclusive culture, describe the behaviors and ways of thinking that computationally literate students use to fully engage in today’s data-rich and interconnected world. Collaborative computing is the process of performing a computational task by working in pairs and on teams, including working with individuals with diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities. Students will need to solicit and incorporate the feedback of others, which can lead to better outcomes than working independently. Students should use collaborative tools to effectively work together and to create complex artifacts.

- Excerpt from the VDOE 2017 Computer Science Standards of Learning Preface

What are the 5 C’s and why are they important to the future of education?

A key component of Virginia’s education approach is preparing students with the skills they need for successful adult lives. In addition to strong content knowledge, Beazley will focus on cultivating the following skills so students are ready to apply their education in real-world environments: critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, collaboration, community engagement.

What's Happening at Beazley?

Integrating Computer Science into the Fine Arts

Beazley's Art and Music Department teamed up with the Instructional Technology Resource Teacher to plan art and music classes designed to foster computational thinking, creative expression, and skills for building an inclusive and diverse computing culture.

View the CS & Fine Arts Site Here

Beazley's 4th Grade Coding Club

In 2021, Beazley's Coding Club earned second place in VDOE's Superintendent Region 1 for their submission to the CS in Your Neighborhood Competition. To celebrate their excellent submissions, the group received swag from the Digital Dominion, Virginia is for Learners and Virginia is for Computer Science Lovers!