Happy profile photo

Learn to be easy and enjoy our lives;

Leave yourself and laugh at your mistakes.

Life does not have to worry about past mistakes.

Believe in a smile, a kiss, a glance at love.

"Seriously get simple things for happiness"


Happiness is not something you want to own

Happiness is the quality of thinking;

The mood is ...


Depends on the world inside you!


Wish happiness too

Like death

Every man was right


When the door is closed to us for happiness, the door opens, but we do

Often so blindfolded that we do not see open doors


They wrote my fortunes in a hurry to my fate

It was bad luck

The days could not read them


I've learned ...

Life is not always perfect and perfect;

But it's always what you're doing ...

So make it memorable

And never let anyone take your happiness from you.


A lot of people are spectators who are happy and hear their liveliness talking about happiness, but they never go out of the world without really knowing it.


The wish of a bigger happiness prevents us from enjoying the happiness we enjoy.


God does not create sorrow, man created

Good luck, God's only offer was to human beings

But humans created ugliness, and today they meet the echoes of their past