Automotive events

Cars and other vehicles

From a young age cars have always been one of my interests and as with all boys the faster, more exotic and fancy the more special it was to see one. Now having grown older, this interest hasn't faded, seeing a nice car parked or drive by still gives those shivers. Having had the oportunity to attend a few automotive events this year has therefore resulted into several pictures to show.

Below some of the automotive work I've created.

Rajd Wisły (Vistula rally)

A motorsport event that has been recurring annually around late September in the Silesian Beskid mountains since 1951 with a few exceptions. The Rajd Wisły takes in a variety of contenstents in the different classes of the rally sport and is certified to grant points in the Polish RSMP, HRSMP and RMP championships. In terms of the course very little is changing over the years and contestants get to drive narrow mountain roads covered with tarmac or cobblestone

Rajd Sląska (Silesian rally)

The Rajd Sląska is one of the newest rallies in Poland existing only in this form since 2017, before it was named under the Rajd Mikołowski (Mikołów rally) since 20012. The rally is part of the championships for the RSMP, HRSMP, RMP and RMŚL. In 2024 the rally will additionally host the final stage of the European Rally Championship.

Rajd Cieszyńska Barbórka (Cieszyn Barbara rally)

The Rajd Cieszynski is local rally event, organized annually since 1972. It's a much smaller rally than the previously mentioned ones but this doesn't mean the competition is less. A mix of newer and older cars as well as class for upcoming rally talents is included.


Not only cars but also motorbikes are competing in motorsport events. The motorcross event gives it's challenges to bot driver and bike. Dirt, dust, slippery corners and high jumps mean they need to be in the best shape to make it through several runs a day.

Go karts

Go karts, for most the closest to taking part in motorsport, for others the first step to a great carreer in other disciplines such as drifting, rally, DTM and even F1.

Car meets

Car meets show what people believe their ultimate car looks like, and the time and effort they spent on getting it there. From sleeper cars, to exotics, to your usual suspects. Every meet you meet them all.