Arts participation crosses barriers of social class and ethnicity and leads to residents learning about each other and other neighborhoods. People involved in the arts meet more people, and participatory arts projects make marginalized groups more visible and promote positive community connections.

Brown: You took quite a wide variety of classes, which is fascinating. From citizenship and religious values, to math, art, and science, it seems as though your early education was truly comprehensive. Earlier you mentioned that after each class students were allowed a 10- to 15-minute break. How did you and your classmates spend time in between classes?

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Brown: Break time sounds like a wonderful chance for students to play and socialize. And the store must have been a great opportunity for you and your classmates to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. During break and classes, were there school rules that students had to follow? Which of these rules stand out the most?

This course provides an introduction to different approaches to research in the information sciences, including social science methods, data and text mining, digital humanities, historical approaches, and others. Topics include methods for evaluating research, developing research questions, selecting research methods, conducting research ethically, and communicating findings clearly and effectively through words, graphics, and other visualizations.

Today's information society bespeaks a long history, exhibiting marked continuities with the past as well as some sharply defined new features. Yet the historical foundations of the information society remain poorly understood. This course develops such a framework, by examining emergent information institutions and practices from early modern Europe to the later 20th century. It examines the historical development of the information society through a number of important conceptual lenses, including: modernity and postmodernity; Fordist and post-Fordist capitalism; social class and information poverty; social and technological determinism; utopianism and dystopianism; and empire and globalization. Prerequisite: IS 202 Highly recommended.

A dramatic increase in computing power has enabled new areas of data science to develop in statistical modeling and artificial intelligence, often called Machine Learning. Machine learning covers predictive and descriptive learning, and bridges theoretical and empirical ideas across disciplines. We will focus on concepts and methods for predictive learning: estimating models from data to predict unknown outcomes. Model types will include decision trees, linear models, nearest neighbor methods, and others as time permits. We will cover classification and regression using these models, as well as methods needed to handle large datasets. Lastly, we will discuss deep neural networks and other methods at the forefront of machine learning. We situate the course components in the "data science life cycle" as part of the larger set of practices in the discovery and communication of scientific findings. The course will include lectures, readings, homework assignments, exams, and a class project. Most of the course activities will use Python with the Pandas library, which students should already be proficient using. Students will learn how to use the scikit-learn Python library for machine learning during this course.

Directed and supervised investigation of selected topics in information studies that may include among others computers and culture; information policy; community information systems; production, retrieval and evaluation of scientific or social science knowledge; computer-mediated communication; and computer-supported cooperative work. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

Human culture provides an ideal testbed for students exploring data science, because the interpretive challenges that lurk beneath the surface in other domains become starkly visible here. For instance, cultural materials usually come to analysts as unstructured texts, images, or sound files, forcing explicit decisions about data modeling and feature extraction. Cultural questions also highlight the importance of interpreting statistical models in relation to a social context. Last but not least: songs, poems, and stories confront us with vivid problems that are inherently fun to explore. This course will start by reviewing descriptive and inferential statistics, and build up to applications of supervised and unsupervised machine learning. We will apply those methods to a range of cultural materials using them to model the pace of stylistic change in popular music, for instance, and the representation of gender in fiction.

Librarians fill a key role in the literacy development of young children with opportunities for interaction both in the library and through outreach programs. Key skills center on developing literacy-rich library environments, classroom instructional support, intentional embedding of essentials skills and practices within daily activities and lessons, resources about early literacy strategies to share with families and caregivers. Practitioners will understand the importance of integration of technology to meet the diverse developmental, cultural, social and linguistic needs of children to ensure they are able to create meaning from text.

The course examines various ways that information technologies are and might be used in museums and other cultural heritage settings. Museum websites, visitor apps, interactive exhibits, and uses of digitized and federated collections are explored. Students gain an introduction to Design Thinking by working on a final project that involves the development of a novel computational resource. Students are encouraged to approach class topics from their individual backgrounds in the humanities, sciences, or social sciences.

Covers the available universe of African studies materials in all formats and how to find them. The class begins with evaluating general reference sources and continues with sources by discipline for the study of the continent of Africa. Covers research strategies for the humanities and social sciences.

Explores major issues in the library and information science professions as they involve their communities of users and sponsors. Analyzes specific situations that reflect the professional agenda of these fields, including intellectual freedom, community service, professional ethics, social responsibilities, intellectual property, literacy, historical and international models, the socio-cultural role of libraries and information agencies and professionalism in general, focusing in particular on the interrelationships among these issues.

A dramatic increase in computing power has enabled new areas of data science to develop in statistical modeling and analysis. These areas cover predictive and descriptive learning bridge ideas and theory in statistics, computer science and artificial intelligence. We will cover many of these new methods including predictive learning such as estimating models from data to predict future outcomes, notably regression and classification models. Regression topics include linear regression with recent advances to deal with large numbers of variables, smoothing techniques, additive models, and local regression. Classification topics include discriminant analysis, logistic regression, support vector machines, generalized additive models, naive Bayes, mixture models and nearest neighbor methods. Lastly we develop neural networks and deep learning techniques, bridging the theory introduced in the earlier parts of the class to purely empirical methods. We situate these methods in the "data science lifecycle" as part of the larger set of practices in the discovery and communication of scientific findings.

Introduces students to the fundamentals of doing social science research in LIS. Students will learn how to frame a research problem, choose an appropriate research method, apply it, and write up the research for presentation and publication.

This year my class has partnered with National Geographic Explorer Joe Cutler as part of the National Geographic Educator + Explorer Exchange, a yearlong collaboration between pairs of explorers and National Geographic Certified Educators. My kindergarten ichthyologists have been learning all about fish and are engineering prototypes to help Joe with his work.

Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space.[17] While the exploration of space is currently carried out mainly by astronomers with telescopes, its physical exploration is conducted both by uncrewed robotic space probes and human spaceflight. Space exploration, like its classical form astronomy, is one of the main sources for space science.

Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.[19][20] Modern science is typically divided into three major branches:[21] natural sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry, and biology), which study the physical world; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies;[22][23] and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which study formal systems, governed by axioms and rules.[24][25] There is disagreement whether the formal sciences are science disciplines,[26][27][28] because they do not rely on empirical evidence.[29][27] Applied sciences are disciplines that use scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as in engineering and medicine.[30][31][32]

Just as Science On a Sphere is often used as a docent-led presentation tool,SOS Explorer can be used in this way. For instance, when introducing orconcluding a unit of study or a concept, a dataset can be displayed on aprojector screen or a large monitor in front of the class and discussed.Likewise, multiple datasets can be strung together to tell a story or completea learning goal. Check out SOSx with Beth & Hil for topic ideas, or follow us on social media. 006ab0faaa

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