
Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies

Edited by Prof George Dekoulis


2nd International Conference on Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies (BDAW’20)

All authors of accepted and registered papers at the 2nd International Conference on Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies (BDAW’20) will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to be further published as a book chapter. The Publications Chair, Prof George Dekoulis, is in contact with Springer for the better absorption of all conference submissions by the appropriate publication product. All appropriate submissions will be included in to the upcoming book project by Springer with title “Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies”.

The BDAW'20 will take place between 9-10 July 2020 in Cambridge, UK. Authors are invited to submit their full chapter contribution by the 30th August 2020. Original research work is expected to be found in these book chapters. All manuscripts should follow the author's template and guidelines as provided by Springer. Each chapter is expected to be between 20 and 30 pages. Book chapters that do not follow the recommended format will eventually be rejected by the reviewing committee.

Authors are invited to submit their abstract or book chapter contribution through the Easychair conference management system:


There are no submission fees for the authors to pay during the book publication period. Standard double-blind peer reviewing will be followed for a book chapter to be accepted.

Standard plagiarism software will be used for pre-processing the submitted book chapters. A similarity index of up to 20% will be acceptable for all contributions following the BDAW'20 conference. For contributions outside the BDAW'20 conference a similarity index of up to 10% will be expected.

Please, feel free to contact Prof. George Dekoulis (dekoulis@aeispace.org or dekoulis@ieee.org) for any queries regarding the publication process.