
Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies

Edited by Prof. George Dekoulis

Submit your book chapter abstract to the new edited volume "Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies" now!

Abstract Submission Deadline: 14 June 2020

Chapter Submission Deadline: 30 August 2020

Submit your latest research results in the form of a book chapter to the upcoming book by Springer with title "Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies". The book is being edited by the world-class expert Prof George Dekoulis (dekoulis@aeispace.org or dekoulis@ieee.org). The book will be published within the prestigious Springer's "Studies in Big Data" (SBD) Series with h-index of 40.

The book consists a publication product of the upcoming 2nd International Conference on Big Data & Advanced Wireless Technologies (BDAW'20) to be held in Cambridge, UK, in the period of 9-10 July 2020.

The SBD series of books have an h-index of 40. The new BDAW book will be indexed by ISI Web of Science, DBLP, Ulrichs, MathSciNet, Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt Math: MetaPress and Springerlink.


Advanced analytics techniques assist Big Data in processing large sets of complex data. Wireless big data techniques have recently provided us with in-depth knowledge of the 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and other emerging wireless technologies. These data-driven methodologies have further assisted in the optimization of advanced data processing algorithms, the restructuring of wired and wireless networks, their operation and optimization. This book aims in presenting the latest Big Data challenges within the research and industrial domains.

The methodologies for intelligently processing voluminous and complex data also demonstrate the current state-of-the-art in terms of computing implementations. This volume will include the best papers of the BDAW'20 conference and other possible external contributions. A second volume focused on Wireless Networks may be opened for additional submissions if a large number of chapters will be absorbed by the current one.

I would like to express my gratitude in advance to all the researchers that will contribute to the success of this book project by submitting their chapters. I would like to thank all the members of the expert advisory committee for their willingness to assist in the reviewing process and the organization of the book. Finally, I would like to thank Mr Faouzi Hidoussi for organizing such an important scientific conference and for inspiring the creation of this book. I hope this volume will influence the next generation of Big Data and Wireless Network scientists positively in further pursuing new research projects. Even more efficient solutions are required to surpass the current technological bottlenecks that the computing community is experiencing. The topics to be possibly covered by the book are presented next.


  • Big Data Architecture

  • Big Data Modeling

  • Big Data As A Service

  • Big Data for Vertical Industries

  • Big Data Toolkits

  • Big Data Open Platforms, Economic Analysis

  • Big Data for Enterprise Transformation

  • Big Data in Business Performance Management

  • Big Data for Business Models and Analytics

  • Big Data in Enterprise Management

  • Big Data in Government Management

  • Big Data in Smart Planet Solutions

  • Big Data Techniques, models and algorithms

  • Big Data Infrastructure and platform

  • Big Data Search and Mining

  • Big Data Applications, Bioinformatics, Multimedia etc

  • Big Data Tools and systems

  • Big Data Mining

  • Big Data Management

  • Cloud and grid computing for Big Data

  • Machine Learning and AI for Big Data

  • Big Data Analytics and Social Media

  • Atificaial Intelegence

  • 5G and Networks for Big Data

  • Deep Learning

  • Machine Learning

  • Remote Sensing

  • Medical Diagonisis

  • Biometrics

  • Face Recognition

  • IoT(Internet Of Things)

  • MIMO(Multiple Input, Multiple Output)

  • WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network)

  • WANET(Wireless ad-hoc Network)

  • WiMax

  • Wi-Fi

  • ZigBee Technology

  • Optical Communications

  • Multi-Hop and Cooperative Communications

  • Radio Resource Management and Allocation

  • Multimedia and VoIP – Services & Technologies

  • 3G/4G Systems

  • Signal Processing for Wireless Communications

  • Multiple Access Techniques

  • Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio

  • Multimedia Communications

  • OFDM, CDMA and Spread Spectrum

  • Multicast

  • Space Missions & Satellite

  • Nanosatellites

  • Wireless or Satellite-based remote e-Health

  • Wireless or Satellite-based sensing and data mining

  • Wireless or Satellite-based weather forecast

  • Wireless or Satellite-based earthquake surveillance

  • IT application in Space Communications

  • Transport Protocol Performance over Satellite

  • UWB Communications

  • Exoplanets

  • Space climate

  • Space Communications and Navigation

  • Future Space Mission

  • Plasma and Space Physics

  • Astronomy

  • Astrophysics and Space Science

  • Cosmology

  • High Energy Nuclear Physics

  • Architecture of 5G

  • 5G Application and Services

  • 5G Security and Privacy

  • 5G Design and Working

  • 5G Devices

  • 5G Challenges

  • 5G for Digital Transformation

  • 6G challenge and opportunity

  • Transmission Networks

  • Signalling and Control

  • Data (packet) Switching and Routing

  • Mobile Switching systems and Network

  • Coding theory and techniques

  • Fading channels

  • Multiplexing

  • Adaptive modelling

  • Embedded Systems

  • Antenna Theory

  • EMS

  • Radar Systems

  • Frequency Selective Surfaces

  • Antennas In MIMO

  • Artificial Magnetic Conductors

  • Microstrip Antennas

  • Conformal Antennas

  • Antenna Arrays

  • Electromagnetic Numerical Techniques

  • Wireless Sensors And Networks

  • Peer-to-Peer Computing and Networking

  • Radio Resource Management

  • Wireless Application Areas

  • Multimedia and QoS over Wireless Networks

  • Information Security Policy for Wireless Networks

  • Location-Based Applications and Services

  • Mobile Social Networks and Crowd sourcing

  • Cloud Computing

  • Wireless Charging

  • Green Telecommunication

  • Green Communication in 5G systems

  • Green Transmission Technologies and Protocols

  • Green Management of Communication Networks

  • Green Optical Communications

  • Green Communications in Cloud Computing

  • Satellite Communications: Mobile and Fixed Services

  • Satellite Broadcast Systems Engineering

  • IP Networking over Next-Generation Satellites

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

  • Mobile Broadband Satellite Services