Teaching Experiences

Teaching Assistant

Fall 2019

BME 356L - Control Systems Laboratory at University of Waterloo (Instructor: Mr. Rasoul Keshavarzi)

        • Responsibilities: I marked pre-lab and post-lab reports and helped students with lab experiments.

Spring 2019

ME 321 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines at University of Waterloo

        • Responsibilities: Held problem-solving sessions, assisted students with course projects, marked assignments, and exams.

Fall 2015 & 2016

Advanced Robotics at University of Tehran (Instructor: Dr. Mehdi Tale Masouleh)

        • Responsibilities: Held problem-solving sessions, assisted students with course projects, marked assignments, and exams.


2015 - 2018

SimMechanics and Simulink at TaarLab Learning Center, University of Tehran

        • Taught graduate and undergraduate student how to model and simulate multibody systems such as robotic manipulators in SimMechanics and Simulink.