Information for Authors

Authors are invited to submit abstracts for presentations on original, unpublished work in the topic area of the conference, related use cases, or system demos. We also welcome contributions on ongoing projects and (longer standing) available resources for poster presentations.

Authors should submit abstracts of maximum 300 words in English clearly stating the contribution of the research and how it relates to digital research around biographies or prosopographical data. They should also indicate whether their contribution concerns original unpublished work, a use case, a system demo or describes an ongoing project. Upon acceptance, authors of original unpublished work or a system demo will be invited to submit an extended abstract that will be published on the website.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts should be submitted via easychair.

Abstracts will undergo a relevance/interest check.

Invitation for Full Papers

All presenters are invited to submit a full paper after the conference to be published in CEUR.

Acceptance for conference does not guarantee acceptance for publication of the full paper. Full papers undergo a reviewing process.

Detailed information about full paper publication will be made available at the conference.

15. November 2017: guidelines published

15. January 2018: full papers

15. March 2018: Notifications about review of papers

15. May 2018: Final author review of accepted papers

Questions? Contact

Persons in charge:

  • Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Sarah Herbe