Operating Systems


As per VTU, Belagavi- Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 

click here to download (Effective from the academic year 2023-24


This course will provide a solid introduction to Operating Systems.


chapter 1.pdf
chapter 12.pdf
chapter 21.pdf
chapter 10.pdf
Chapter 9.pdf
chapter 8.pdf
chapter 7.pdf
chapter 5.pdf
chapter 6.pdf
chapter 4.pdf
chapter 3.pdf
chapter 2.pdf

Course Objectives

This course will enable students to 

Course Outcomes

The students should be able to: 

Text book

Operating Systems 

(click to View/buy: Amazon, Google Books-VTU,   Google Book- Indian Edition)

Reference Books

Course Materials:

Assignments/Mini Projects

Submit the assignments to bbpatil@sdmit.in with filename as Student_name_usn_assign1

1. Write a C++ program to create create student class, read and print N student's details( with scope resolution operator). 

Assign date: 22-02-2019                                                    Deadline: 24-02-2019, 5.00pm

Examination (VTU End Semester Exam)

Reference Materials

Useful books/websites- To be updated