File Structures (15IS62)


As per VTU, Belagavi- Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme

click here to download (Effective from the academic year 2016 -2017)


A file structure is a combination of representations for data in files and of operations for accessing these data, and the study of file structure design is geared at improving the efficiency of data access.

Although secondary storage such as disks, magnetic tapes and CD-ROMs allow us to store thousands of megabytes, access to such storage is very slow as compared to other kinds of computer operations. The topic of file structure design is closely linked to that of advanced data structures as a number of interesting data structures (including AVL Trees, B Trees, B+ Trees and Hash Tables) are useful for achieving high efficiency in file operations.

This course will provide a solid introduction to the topic of file structure design and will discuss, in detail, the data structures necessary for achieving its efficiency objectives(source).


  1. Basics of Computers

  2. Knowledge of Object oriented concepts- C++ and Java

Course Objectives

This course will enable students to

  1. Explain the fundamentals of file structures and their management.

  2. Measure the performance of different file structures

  3. Organize different file structures in the memory.

  4. Demonstrate hashing and indexing techniques.

Course Outcomes

The students should be able to:

  1. Choose appropriate file structure for storage representation.

  2. Identify a suitable sorting technique to arrange the data.

  3. Select suitable indexing and hashing techniques for better performance to a given problem.

Text book

Michael J. Folk, Bill Zoellick, Greg Riccardi: File Structures-An Object Oriented Approach with C++, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 1998.

(click to View/buy: Amazon, Google Books-VTU, Google Book- Indian Edition)

Reference Books

  1. K.R. Venugopal, K.G. Srinivas, P.M. Krishnaraj: File Structures Using C++, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.

  2. Scot Robert Ladd: C++ Components and Algorithms, BPB Publications, 1993.

  3. Raghu Ramakrishan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.

Course Materials:

  1. Introduction

  2. Organization of Files for Performance, Indexing

  3. Consequential Processing and the Sorting of Large Files

  4. Indexed Sequential File Access and Prefix B + Trees

  5. Hashing

Assignments/Mini Projects

Submit the assignments to with filename as Student_name_usn_assign1

1. Write a C++ program to create create student class, read and print N student's details( with scope resolution operator).

Assign date: 22-02-2019 Deadline: 24-02-2019, 5.00pm

Examination (VTU End Semester Exam)

  • The question paper will have TEN questions.

  • There will be TWO questions from each module.

  • Each question will have questions covering all the topics under a module.

  • The students will have to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each module.

Reference Materials

Useful books/websites- To be updated