The goal of the Bereavement Ministry is to help provide prayers, support & to express our deepest condolences to you and your family at this difficult time.
Making arrangements for the funeral of a loved can put an excess burden on the family. Our churches offer a bereavement service to the family at this difficult time. Each group helps to furnish food and/or refreshments to the family after the funeral. The family meets with the church staff to make funeral arrangements. At this time the bereavement ministry is explained to the family. The family is asked if they would like to have the designated bereavement team help with furnishing small dishes of food and/or refreshments. If they agree, the church staff contacts the group leader. The family is responsible for providing the meal, utensils, ice, paper goods and drinks. The family is also responsible for having someone at hall or residence to receive and serve food. The family is also responsible for hall clean up.
If you are interested in joining our bereavement ministry, please contact the representative listed for your church below:
Assumption Church: Florette Blanchard at 985-369-2693
St. Anne Church: Shirley Boudreaux at 985-232-1360
I.C. Chapel Ladies Altar Society: Barbara Blanchard at 985-369-7029
St. Philomena: Please call St Philomena Church Office @ 985-526-4247
**Please note if a family member or friend dies please call the church office and NOT the bereavement ministry leaders. Thank you.**
Below is a short prayer for all our near & dear ones who have gone to eternal rest:
Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, You willingly gave Yourself up to death so that all people might be saved and pass from death into a new life.
Listen to our prayers; look with love on Your people who mourn and pray for their dead brother/sister. Lord Jesus, You alone are holy and compassionate; forgive our brother/sister his/her sins.
By dying You opened the gates of life for those who believe in You; do not let Your brother/sister be parted from You, but by Your glorious power give him/her light, joy, and peace in heaven where You live forever and ever. Amen.