Seminar on Bayesian Computation 

The following schedule is based on Japanese standard time. 

Date: Monday July 22nd

Time:  13:15 - 14:15 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: Takeru Matsuda, University of Tokyo, RIKEN Center for Brain Science

Title:  Inadmissibility of the corrected Akaike information criterion

Abstract: For the multivariate linear regression model with unknown covariance, the corrected Akaike information criterion is the minimum variance unbiased estimator of the expected Kullback--Leibler discrepancy. In this study, based on the loss estimation framework, we show its inadmissibility as an estimator of the Kullback--Leibler discrepancy itself, instead of the expected Kullback--Leibler discrepancy. We provide improved estimators of the Kullback--Leibler discrepancy that work well in reduced-rank situations and examine their performance numerically. This result is similar to Stein’s paradox in that the minimum variance unbiased estimator is improved by introducing bias.

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 Date: Wednesday Jun 5th

Time: 13:15 - 14:15 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: Dennis Shen, USC Marshall

Title: Same Root Different Leaves: Time Series and Cross-Sectional Methods in Panel Data

Abstract: One dominant approach to evaluate the causal effect of a treatment is through panel data analysis, whereby the behaviors of multiple units are observed over time. The information across time and units motivates two general approaches: (i) horizontal regression (i.e., unconfoundedness), which exploits time series patterns, and (ii) vertical regression (e.g., synthetic controls), which exploits crosssectional patterns. Conventional wisdom often considers the two approaches to be different. We establish this position to be partly false for estimation but generally true for inference. In the absence of any assumptions, we show that both approaches yield algebraically equivalent point estimates for several standard estimators. However, the source of randomness assumed by each approach leads to a distinct estimand and quantification of uncertainty even for the same point estimate. This emphasizes that researchers should carefully consider where the randomness stems from in their data, as it has direct implications for the accuracy of inference.

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Date: Monday May 13th

Time:  15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: Kaoru Irie, University of Tokyo

Title: Gibbs sampler for matrix generalized inverse Gaussian distributions

Abstract: Matrix generalized inverse Gaussian (MGIG) distributions are a multivariate extension of the well-known univariate GIG distributions. Typically, the MGIG distributions are obtained as the full conditional posterior distributions of the variance matrix in many multivariate models, such as the location-scale mixture of multivariate normals. Thus, in implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for posterior inference, simulation from the MGIG distributions is required. However, an efficient sampling scheme for the MGIG distributions has not been fully developed. In this study, we propose a novel blocked Gibbs sampler for the MGIG distributions based on the Cholesky decomposition. We show that the full conditionals of the entries of the diagonal and unit lower-triangular matrices are univariate GIG and multivariate normal distributions, respectively. Several variants of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can also be considered for this problem, but we mathematically prove that the average acceptance rates become extremely low in particular scenarios. We demonstrate the computational efficiency of the proposed Gibbs sampler through simulation studies and data analysis. This is joint work with Yasuyuki Hamura (Kyoto) and Shonosuke Sugasawa (Keio).

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 Date: Monday Apr 22nd

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: 奥戸 道子, 東大情報理工/ Michiko Okudo, University of Tokyo

Title: 事後平均とMAP推定量を漸近的に一致させる matching prior pair

Abstract: ベイズ法に現れる推定量の性質や情報幾何との関連について、最近得られた結果[1]を紹介する。







[1] M. Okudo & K. Yano (2023). Matching prior pairs connecting Maximum A Posteriori estimation and posterior expectation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09586.

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本発表は日本語で開催します.This presentation will be held in Japanese. 



Date: Monday Mar 18th

Time: 13:00 - 14:00 JST

In person location: RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Central Building, C202

Speaker: Omar Chehab, ENSAE-CREST

Title: Provable benefits of annealing for estimating normalizing constants: Importance Sampling, Noise-Contrastive Estimation, and beyond

Abstract: Recent research has developed several Monte Carlo methods for estimating the normalization constant (partition function) based on the idea of annealing. This means sampling successively from a path of distributions that interpolate between a tractable "proposal" distribution and the unnormalized "target" distribution. Promi- nent estimators in this family include annealed importance sampling and annealed noise-contrastive estimation (NCE). Such methods hinge on a number of design choices: which estimator to use, which path of distributions to use and whether to use a path at all; so far, there is no definitive theory on which choices are efficient. Here, we evaluate each design choice by the asymptotic estimation error it produces. First, we show that using NCE is more efficient than the importance sampling esti- mator, but in the limit of infinitesimal path steps, the difference vanishes. Second, we find that using the geometric path brings down the estimation error from an exponential to a polynomial function of the parameter distance between the target and proposal distributions. Third, we find that the arithmetic path, while rarely used, can offer optimality properties over the universally-used geometric path. In fact, in a particular limit, the optimal path is arithmetic. Based on this theory, we finally propose a two-step estimator to approximate the optimal path in an efficient way.

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Date: Thursday Mar 7th

Time: 11:00 - 12:00 JST

In person location: Seminar Room B, 3rd Floor, Building No. 6, Faculty of Engineering, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo

Speaker: Prof. Arnaud Doucet/ Oxford University & Google Deep Mind

Title: Ensemble Rejection Sampling

Abstract: We introduce Ensemble Rejection Sampling, a scheme for exact simulation from the posterior distribution of the latent states of a class of non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models. Ensemble Rejection Sampling relies on a proposal for the high-dimensional state sequence built using ensembles of state samples. Although this algorithm can be interpreted as a rejection sampling scheme acting on an extended space, we show, under regularity conditions, that the expected computational cost to obtain an exact sample increases cubically with the length of the state sequence instead of exponentially as in standard rejection sampling. We demonstrate this methodology by sampling exact state sequences according to the posterior distribution of a stochastic volatility model and a cell model. We also present an application to rare event simulation. 

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