Seminar on Bayesian Computation 

The following schedule is based on Japanese standard time. 

 Date: Monday Nov 13th

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: 矢野 恵佑, 統計数理研究所/ Keisuke Yano, Institute of Statistical Mathematics

Title: (i) Reconsidering robust spectral parameter estimation and (ii) differential-geometrical clustering of geodetic velocity vectors

Abstract: In this talk, I present my recent researches on the robust spectral parameter estimation and the clustering for the tangent bundle data. The first topic is the spectral parameter estimation based on the spectral R\‘{e}nyi divergence, the joint work with Tetsuya Takabatake. In this work, we study the spectral $\alpha$-R\‘{e}nyi divergences, which includes the Itakura--Saito divergence as a subset. Although the spectral R\‘{e}nyi divergence has been studied in past works, its statistical properties have not been thoroughly investigated. Our aim is to investigate these properties. We find a variational representation of spectral R\‘{e}nyi divergence, from which the minimum spectral R\’{e}nyi divergence estimator is shown to be robust against outliers in the frequency domain, unlike the minimum Itakura–Saito divergence estimator, and thus it delivers more stable estimate. The preprint for this work is The second topic is differential-geometrical clustering for geodetic velocity vectors,  the joint work with Atsushi Takahashi and Masayuki Kano. Dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observation data have provided clearer pictures of plate motions and crustal blocks. Identifying these crustal blocks is important and has been utilized in earthquake disaster prevention assessments. As is widely recognized, the selection of crustal blocks heavily impacts on the results of block fault models. Recently, objective methods for identifying crustal block structures have been proposed. In this work, we propose yet another objective identification method utilizing the parallel translation of tangent vectors and the rotational motion by Euler vectors. By using the sum of the two dissimilarities based on the parallel translation and the rotational motion, we propose hierarchical clustering of GNSS velocity vectors. We checked our method by using the ITRF2008 plate model and the public data provided by Altamimi et al. (2012).

本発表は日本語で開催します.This presentation will be held in Japanese.

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 Date: Monday Oct 2nd

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: 矢田 和善, 筑波大学/ Kazuyoshi Yata, University of Tsukuba

Title: Automatic sparse PCA and its applications

Abstract: High-dimensional data often have a low-rank structure which contains strongly spiked eigenvalues. In this talk, we consider the estimation of the strongly spiked eigenstructure. First, the conventional PCA is considered to estimate the structure, showing that the estimation holds consistency properties under severe conditions. The conventional PCA is heavily subjected to noise.

Recently, consistent estimators of the strongly spiked eigenvalues and eigenvectors have been given by developing a new PCA method called the Automatic Sparse PCA (A-SPCA) methodology. To remove the noise, the A-SPCA is applied and propose a new estimation of the strongly spiked eigenstructure. We show that the proposed estimation by the A-SPCA holds the consistency properties under mild conditions and effectively improves the conventional PCA's error rate effectively. Finally, we demonstrate the A-SPCA by using microarray data sets.

The talk is based on joint work with Prof. Makoto Aoshima (University of Tsukuba).


Yata, K., Aoshima, M. (2023). Automatic sparse PCA for high-dimensional data. Statistica Sinica, in press (DOI: 10.5705/ss.202022.0319).

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 Date: Monday Aug 28th

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker: Björn Sprungk, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg 

Title: Noise-level robust MCMC, pushforward Markov kernels, and sampling on the sphere

Abstract: In the first part of the talk we consider the phenomenon of noise-level robustness of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Motivated by Bayesian inference with highly informative data we analyze the performance of random walk-like Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for approximate sampling of increasingly concentrating target distributions. We focus on Gaussian proposals which use a Hessian-based approximation of the target covariance. By means of pushforward transition kernels we show that for Gaussian target measures the spectral gap of the corresponding Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is independent of the concentration of the posterior, i.e., the noise level in the observational data that is used for Bayesian inference. Moreover, by exploiting the convergence of the concentrating posteriors to their Laplace approximation we extend the analysis to non-Gaussian target measures which either concentrate around a single point or along a linear manifold. In particular, in that setting we show that the average acceptance rate as well as the expected squared jump distance of suitable Metropolis-Hastings Markov chains do not deteriorate as the posterior concentrates.

In the second part we further exploit the concept of pushforward Markov kernels and derive dimension-independent Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for approximate sampling of posterior measures defined on high-dimensional spheres. Such measures occur, for instance, naturally in Bayesian level set inversion. Assuming an angular central Gaussian prior which models antipodally-symmetric directional data we exploit existing dimension-independent samplers in the ambient Hilbert space such as the preconditioned Crank Nicolson Metropolis and the elliptical slice sampler and derive MCMC algorithms on the sphere, which inherit reversibility and spectral gap properties from samplers in linear spaces.

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Date: Tuesday July 11th

Time: 13:30 - 14:30 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker:  Charly ANDRAL, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL

Title: The Importance Markov Chain

Abstract: The Importance Markov chain is a novel algorithm bridging the gap between rejection sampling and importance sampling, moving from one to the other through a tuning parameter. Based on a modified sample of an instrumental Markov chain targeting an instrumental distribution (typically via a MCMC kernel), the Importance Markov chain produces an extended Markov chain where the marginal distribution of the first component converges to the target distribution. For example, when targeting a multimodal distribution, the instrumental distribution can be chosen as a tempered version of the target which allows the algorithm to explore its modes more efficiently. We obtain a Law of Large Numbers and a Central Limit Theorem as well as geometric ergodicity for this extended kernel under mild assumptions on the instrumental kernel. Computationally, the algorithm is easy to implement and preexisting librairies can be used to sample from the instrumental distribution. Joint work with Randal Douc, Hugo Marival and Christian P. Robert

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 Date: Monday July 10th

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM D222

Speaker:  栗栖 大輔, 東京大学 / Daisuke Kurisu, University of Tokyo

Title: Model averaging and empirical likelihood for non-Euclidean data

Abstract:  In this talk, I talk about two topics on the statistical analysis of non-Euclidean data. First, we extend the notion of model averaging for conventional regression models to Frechet regression, which has Euclidean predictors and a non-Euclidean output. Specifically, we propose a cross-validation (CV) criterion to select model averaging weights and show its optimality in terms of the final prediction error. Simulation results demonstrate that the CV outperforms AIC- and BIC-type model averaging estimators.  

Second, we consider the problem on estimating the Frechet mean, which is a generalization of the conventional population mean. Specifically, we develop an asymptotic theory of empirical likelihood (EL) methods for the estimation and inference of the Frechet means of Manifold-valued data. As a main result, we show that the EL statistic with an empirical Frechet mean converge in distribution to a chi-square distribution. We also discuss several extensions of the main result.

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 Date: Monday June 19th

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM 

Speaker: Geoffrey Wolfer, RIKEN AIP

Title: Improved Estimation of Relaxation Time in Non-reversible Markov Chains

Abstract: The pseudo-spectral gap of a non-reversible ergodic Markov chain, introduced by Paulin [2015], is an important parameter measuring the asymptotic rate of convergence to stationarity. We characterize up to logarithmic factors the minimax trajectory length for the problem of estimating the pseudo-spectral gap of an ergodic Markov chain in constant multiplicative error.Our result recovers the known complexity in the reversible setting for estimating the absolute spectral gap [Levin, Peres 2016, Hsu et al., 2019], and resolves a problem opened in 2019. What is more, we strengthen the known empirical procedure by making it fully-adaptive to the data, thinning the confidence intervals and reducing the computational complexity. Along the way, we derive new properties of the pseudo-spectral gap and introduce the notion of a reversible dilation of a stochastic matrix. This is joint work with Aryeh Kontorovich (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev). arXiv:

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 Date: Monday April 17th

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 JST

In person location: ISM 

Speaker: 仲北 祥悟, 東京大学 / Shogo Nakakita, University of Tokyo

Title: A non-asymptotic analysis of Langevin-type Monte Carlo methods for non-convex and non-smooth potentials

Abstract: This study introduces a theoretical guarantee for Langevin-type Monte Carlo methods for dissipative potentials whose weak gradients have bounded moduli of continuity. The main theorem gives a non-asymptotic upper bound for the 2-Wasserstein distance between the law of a stochastic gradient Langevin Monte Carlo algorithm and the Gibbs distribution. We apply this result to the analysis of the Langevin Monte Carlo algorithm for weakly smooth potentials and the proposal of Langevin-type algorithms for potentials without convexity or continuous differentiability.

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Date: Friday March 3rd

Time: 13:30 - 14:30  JST

In person location: ISM 

Speaker: 廣瀬 慧, 九州大学 / Kei Hirose, Kyushu University

Title: 材料科学及びエネルギー科学における統計解析

Abstract: 本講演では、講演者が近年関わっている材料科学とエネルギー科学における統計解析について述べる。これらの分野では、欠測データ解析や高次元時系列解析における高度な解析手法の提案が必要とされる。そこで、講演者がこれまで提案したいくつかの手法について紹介する。また、その手法をどのようにしたら使ってもらえるようになるのか(産業界への貢献)についても検討する。

本発表は日本語で開催します.This presentation will be held in Japanese. 
