The only reconstructed 17th century Town Hall in Latvia

The Town Hall is used for representation purposes, as well as a tourism object. There are held wedding ceremonies and concerts of classical music, but at daily basis clients and tourists are welcomed by Bauska Tourism Information Centre and Bauska County Council Civil Registry Office.

Rātslaukums 1, Bauska, LV-3901, Latvia

The history of Bauska Town Hall

Being located on the crossroads of important trading routes, Bauska in the 17th and 18th centuries developed as a typical town of merchants and craftsmen. In 1609 Bauska was granted by its seal and it means that it had the rights of a town with its own Town Council. In 1615 Duke Friedrich gave Bauska permission to build a Town Hall and series of shops. Construction of the Town Hall began in 1616 and it was financed by the mayor and members of the Town Council of Bauska. Until the middle of 18th century it was the largest and most luxurious town hall in the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia. On the ground floor of the Town Hall there were official weighs of the town, the flat for the town hall servant, but on the second floor meeting room for the Town Council and premises of magistrate. In the basement there was wine cellar, but from the tower there was announced important information to citizens. The Town Hall was heated with two fireplaces and several tile stoves. During the 18th and 19th centuries the Town Hall had been rebuilt several times. In the middle of 19th century when the economic activity decreases and the Town Hall was in a terrible shape, the Bauska Town Council decided to dismantle the tower, but at the end of 19th century there was dismantled also the second floor of the building and bricked up an arcade. After that the Town Council rented premises in a private house, and the house was rented out for shops and fire-fighters to keep their equipment. Major changes the Town Hall had experienced in the 1970s when there was demolished the eastern part of a building and at that place there was build a café “Mūsa”. In 1988 the Restoration Institute specialists conducted building’s historical, archaeological and architectural exploration. Compiling the information provided by this study and the building measurements in 1840, the architect Irēna Bākule prepared a reconstruction project for the Town Hall which provided renewing the building to its 17th century appearance. In February of 2010 the Bauska County Council got the EU grant to begin the implementation of the project “Restoration of Bauska historical town centre for developing a new tourism product”. During the first phase of the Town Hall reconstruction preserving its historic layout the impressive two-storey building with a tower and opened gallery was reconstructed. In its authentic form the facade and room layout were restored. The second round of the reconstruction was financed by Bauska County Council investing for construction and communication works, design of the Town Hall interior, historical furniture and lighting purchase. The authors of interior works are workers of interior restoration enterprise “Intarsija”, Ltd, Bauska. In 2016 Bauska Town Hall interior exhibition was opened.

Weighs and Measures in Bauska

In the premises of Tourism Information Centre

During the tour guests will be introduced with information about history of Bauska Town Hall and ancient measures and weights used in Duchy of Courland and Semigallia. At the end of tour there is an opportunity to be measured in ancient weights and measures – feet and cubits and receive a certificate afterwards. There is also an opportunity to purchase special souvenirs like “love-metre”, “candy-metre” or “drink-metre”. Tours available for individual tourists as well as for groups. Tours are free of charge, but groups should book it in advance. Duration of the tour is 20–40 minutes and it is provided in Latvian, Russian and English. For the bridegroomsa there is an opportunity to take part in a special programme – for harmonious family life measuring and weighing of couples using special instruments – “love-metre”, “candy-metre” and “drink-metre”. This programme lasts for about 20–30 minutes.

Interior Exposition

Second floor of the Bauska Town Hall

The Town Hall rooms are equipped by century corresponding and authentic chandeliers, furniture and art objects and their copies create an atmosphere and feeling of Bauska citizen life style in 17th– 18th centuries. Here you can see a map of 17th century Bauska, 1701 drawing with Bauska’s town and the Town Hall, a portrait of one of the mayors of Bauska, court judge and other citizens of Bauska as well as in archaeological excavations founded articles create very informative story about history and culture of this town. There are exhibited very unique and authentic art objects (tapestry “Cephalus and Procris” from 16th century, the only full format engraving in Latvia from 17th century “The Last Judgement”) that have returned its previous magnificence and luxuriously. At this moment Bauska Town Hall is the only 17th century renovated Town Hall in Latvia. The tour around “Interior Exposition” is available only with a guide for groups (10–25 persons) and it should be booked in advance! For individuals exposition is opened on every first Sunday of a month. Duration of this tour is between 20–30 minutes provided in Latvian, Russian and English.

Wedding Ceremonies

Second floor of the Bauska Town Hall

The staff of Civil Registry (Marriage registry office) will provide wedding ceremonies and Golden Wedding anniversary ceremonies in the most magnificent room in the building. There are available two options for wedding ceremony – by accompaniment of piano and poems or music accompaniment only. All wedding ceremonies are provided in Latvian. Before ceremony bridegrooms are invited to wait in “the Bride’s room”. Duration of the ceremony is 30 minutes and premises are suitable for groups until 80 guests. Photography and filming is allowed during marriage ceremony, also bridegrooms car can be parked outside the Town Hall’s entrance.


Bauska Tourism Information Centre

Rātslaukums 1, Bauska, LV-3901, Latvia T. +371 63923797, 27746484, tic@bauska.lv, www.visit.bauska.lv

Tours in the town hall, free information about Bauska, Iecava, Rundāle and Vecumnieki municipalities, maps, postcards and souvenirs.

Opening Times

September - May: Mon–Fri 9.00–17.00; Sat,10.00–14.00, Sun - closed; June–August: Mon–Fri 9.00–18.00; Sat, Sun 10.00–14.00

Bauska County Council Civil Registry Office

Rātslaukums 1, Bauska LV-3901, Latvia T. +371 63924589, 27808544, dzimtsaraksti@bauska.lv, www.bauska.lv

Marriage registry, birth and marriage certificates, name, surname and nationality changes and entries, archive services.

Opening Times: Mon: 9.00–12.00 and 13.00–18.00 Tue–Thu: 9.00–12.00 and 13.00–17.00 Fri: 9.00–12.00