Published papers

Decision-making processes

Committees as active audiences: reputation concerns and information acquisition, Journal of Public Economics, 2023, 221, 104875 (with Otto H. Swank).

Optimal Signaling with Cheap Talk And Money Burning, International Journal of Game Theory, 2017, 46, pp. 813–850 (with Vladimir Karamychev)

Is Transparency to no Avail?, Scandinavian Journal Of Economics, 2013, 115, pp. 967-994 (with Otto H. Swank)

How Committees of Experts Deal with the Outside World: Some Theory, and Evidence from the FOMC, Journal of the European Economic Association, Papers, 2008, 6, pp. 478-486 (with Job Swank and Otto H. Swank)

The Consequences of Endogenizing Information for the Performance of a Sequential Decision Structure, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008, 65, pp. 667-681, (with Otto H. Swank)

On Committees of Experts, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2007, 122, pp. 337-372 (with Otto H. Swank)

Organizational Communication Structure and Performance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2000, 42, pp. 231-252

Decision makers and networks: Editorial boards of economics journals

When a coauthor joins an editorial board, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, 200, pp. 576-595 (with Lorenzo Ductor)Online Appendix. 

Concentration of Power at the Editorial Boards of Economics Journals, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2023, 37, pp. 189-238 (with Lorenzo Ductor)


Learning from Others? Decision Rights, Strategic Communication, and Reputational Concerns, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2015), 7: 109-149 (with Otto H. Swank)

Endogenous Local Interaction and Multi-Product Firms, Journal of Evolutionary Economics (1999), 9:243-263

Managerial behavior

Confidence Management: on Interpersonal Comparisons in Teams, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2013, 22, pp. 744–767 (with Benoît Crutzen and Otto H. Swank)

Motivating Through Delegating Tasks or Giving Attention, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 2007, 23, pp. 731-742 (with Otto H. Swank)

On the Bad Reputation of Reputational Concerns, Journal of Public Economics, 2004, 88, pp. 2817-2838 (with Guido Suurmond and Otto H. Swank)

Corporate and political governance

In Defense of Boards, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2008, 17, pp. 667-682 (with Silvia Dominguez Martínez and Otto H. Swank)

Do Elections Lead to Informed Public Decisions?, Public Choice, 2006, 129, pp.  435-460 (with Otto H. Swank)

Organizational complexity

A Cognitive Interpretation of Organizational Complexity, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2004, 6, pp. 11-23 (with Guido Fioretti)

A New Approach to the Complexity of Decision Problems, 2002

Complexity, Robustness, and Performance: Trade-Offs in Organizational Design, Tinbergen Institute discussion paper, 2002


Prospective Effects of the Introduction of the Euro in Border Regions within the European Union, 1999, The Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence, (with Marc Gramberger, Benoît Friguet, Leila Talani  and Kerstin Ullrich)