Cruise ships in Rotterdam: Data description and first analyses. Over the past 10 years, Rotterdam has experienced an unprecedented growth in the number of cruise ships that call in its city center. This short paper provides detailed information about the number of calls, the period in which ships were built, and their Environmental Ship Index.

My website debunks various myths about the cruise ships and their economic importance for the local economy, it shows the traffic problems that cruise calls cause in a newly developed part of Rotterdam, and discusses the poor fit of the city's cruise policy with various other policies.

Schatting schade en bijdrage zeecruise aan de regio Rotterdam. In dit artikel laat ik zien dat de schade die veroorzaakt wordt in de regio Rotterdam door stikstofuitstoot door cruiseschepen vele malen groter is dan de bijdrage door de bestedingen van rederijen en passagiers aan de regio.

Cruise ship tourism in Rotterdam: Costs dwarf benefits. Presentation I gave on June 17 2022 at the KVS New Paper Sessions 2022 in The Hague.