In Person Rules and Downloads

Here you will find all the files necessary to download, print, assemble, set up and run your own battles on the floor or large table top.  The in person game is conducted in turns consisting of multiple phases explained below.  Note that for expedient play, especially with large games, multiple actions are resolved simultaneously across the floor, instead of everyone watching each individual movement or engagement be resolved before moving on to the next, and strict time limits are imposed for each phase.  Therefore all players should be well versed in the rules.

Rules Brief with Wind and Random Action Web Edition

Rules Overview

You can click through this slide presentation at your own pace (there is no narration).  It explains the five phases of each turn:

Wind and Movement Overview

This short video explains the basic movement rule and how wind impacts that rule.

Just remember: one 45 degree turn, 1 space forward, unless

Assemble and run your own games!  With these rules, you can also stage other naval battles during the Age of Sail.  Download the Rules Document first, as it has information on other supplies you'll need, such as dice, poker chips, timer and tape.

Rules Document: This eight page document, along with the Rules Brief below, covers everything you need to know to set up and run your game.

Rules Brief: This slide deck can be used to explain the game to your players.  It also has diagrams showing how to lay out your grid and ships.

Ship Assembly (Large):  This file contains the templates, base labels, and instructions to print, cut out, and assemble ships for use on the floor. 

Ship Assembly (Small):  This file contains the sheets and instructions to print, cut out, and assemble smaller, simpler ships for use on table tops.

Cards and Wind Compass:  This file contains the Wind cards, Move & Fire cards, the Move Sequence player aid, and the Wind Compass.

Player Pocket Guide: This handy reference has reminders for the move sequence and wind and movement charts.

Ship Name Tags: Though not necessary for the game, this file has name tags for all 73 ships that can be used to make player badges.

How to Lay Floor Grids:  This provides tips on how to measure and lay out the floor grids.