6. Selected Bibliography

Breeze, D J (1983)

Ardoch Roman fort, Braco, near Dunblane: a guide,


Breeze, DJ (1996)

Roman Scotland, B.T. Batsford.

CFA (1993 ac)

'Dunning (Dunning parish): Roman temporary camp',

Discovery and Excavation, Scotland, 1993, 102,

Feachem, R W (1970 )

'Mons Craupius = Duncrub?',

Antiquity, 44, 1970, 274,

Frere, S S (1980)

'Review article: The Place-Names of Roman Scotland by A L F Rivet and Colin Smith',

Britannia, 11, 1980, 422

Hanson, W S (1980)

'Roman campaigns north of the Forth-Clyde isthmus: the evidence of the temporary camps',

Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 109, 1977-8, 145,

Maxwell, G S (1980)

'Agricola's campaigns: the evidence of the temporary camps',

Scot Archaeol Forum, 12, 1980, 29, 40,

Maxwell, G S (1998)

‘A Gathering of Eagles’, Edinburgh:Canongate books

Maxwell and Wilson, G S and D R (1987 )

'Air reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-84',

Britannia, 18, 1987, 36,

RCAHMS (1984)

The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.

The archaeological sites and monuments of North Kincardine, Kincardine and Deeside District, Grampian Region,

Series no 21, Edinburgh, 31, No. 198.

Richmond, I A (1922 )

'Ptolemaic Scotland',

Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 56, 1921-2, 289,

Richmond and Crawford, I A and O G S (1949 )

'The British section of the Ravenna Cosmography',

Archaeologia, 93, 1949, 43,

Rivet and Smith, A L F and C (1979 )

The place-names of Roman Britain,

Batsford studies in archaeology, London, 109, 110, 373, 491,

St Joseph, J K (1969 )

'Air reconnaissance in Britain, 1965-68',

J Roman Stud, 59, 1969, 1110-11,

St Joseph, J K (1970)

'The camps at Ardoch, Stracathro and Ythan Wells: recent excavations',

Britannia, 1, 1970, 163-71,

St Joseph, J K (1973 )

'Air reconnaissance in Britain, 1969-72',

J Roman Stud, 63, 1973, 220-3,

St Joseph, J K (1974)

'Abernethy, Roman camp',

Discovery and Excavation, Scotland, 1974, 52,

St Joseph, J K (1977)

'Air reconnaissance in Roman Britain, 1973-76',

J Roman Stud, 67, 1977, 141-2,

St Joseph, J K (1978)

'The camp at Durno, Aberdeenshire, and the site of Mons Graupius',

Britannia, 9, 1978, 271-287,

Wilson, D R (1970 )

'Roman Britain in 1969. I. Sites explored',

Britannia, 1, 1970, 274,