As an offensive piece, the king is hypothetically worth something like 4 points, if i'm not mistaken. Either way, i can certainly fight. Now I'm not great at chess, but I had a very aggresive very interesting game (stemming from the danish gambit) and leading to a wild king.

A variant that I've seen on Roblox, and on Greenchess is one, in which pawn promotion is a win condition as opposed to just something you do to satisfy another win condition like trapping a king. I found that on Greenchess it's known as pawns only chess as it has only pawns, while on Roblox its known as pawn battle as it has kings on e1 and e8 that assist the pawns, which I think pawn battle would make more sense as a name given custom positions. In Roblox pawn battle I have never trapped a king without promoting a pawn at the same time, so I don't know if trapping a king is on its own a win condition in the game.

Battle Chess Battle Of Queen And King Download

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The queen paraded around, disintegrating her enemies. The king battered opponents with a mace. And the rook, goddamn, the rook \u2014 this castle-shaped piece would transform into something vaguely resembling The Thing before absolutely fucking smashing someone.

Battle Chess follows the same rules as traditional chess; the battles always play out so that the capturing piece defeats its target. Since there are six types of pieces for each color, and a king cannot capture a king, there are 35 battle animations. The rook, for example, turns into a rock monster and kills a pawn by smashing his head. There are some pop-culture homages; the knight versus knight animation references the black knight fight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail , and the king versus bishop fight pastiches the short battle between Indiana Jones and a swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Battle Chess is a quite typical chess game, but it comes with a twist: all pieces are represented by small, realistic figures that walk around on the chessboard, and when one piece takes another, they both take part in an animated battle. There is a different animation for each permutation, depending on which pieces are capturing or being captured. You can also play in 2D without animation.

The game can be also played in a 2D version with no animations, and the Amiga CDTV version features a fully voiced introduction describing the movements of the pieces for the benefit of beginners. Digitized sound is utilized in the DOS version for all battle sound effects and is played through the PC speaker, without the need for a sound card, using a technique akin to RealSound.

Battle Chess follows the same rules as traditional chess, with pieces moving in an animated fashion and battles playing out so that the capturing piece defeats its target. Furthermore, when checkmate is delivered, the checkmating piece fights and defeats the king. Since there are six types of pieces for each color, and a king cannot check (let alone capture) another king, there are a total of 35 different battle animations.[2] The rook, for example, turns into a rock monster and kills a pawn by smashing its head, and the rook kills the queen by eating her. There are some pop-culture homages; the knight versus knight animation references the black knight fight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the king versus bishop fight pastiches the short battle between Indiana Jones and a swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The game can be also played in a 2D version with no animations, and the Amiga CDTV version has a fully voiced introduction describing the movements of the pieces for the benefit of beginners. Digitized sound is used in the MS-DOS version for all battle sound effects and is played through the PC speaker, without the need for a sound card, using a technique akin to RealSound.

The Amiga version received favourable reviews from magazines due to its comical battle sequences which were advanced (for the time) in terms of graphics, animation and sound. German game magazine ASM, however, criticized the weak chess AI.[14] In a review of the 3DO version, Mike Weigand of Electronic Gaming Monthly stated, "If you are a chess fan, then you may want to check this title out."[9]

A sequel titled Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess was released in 1991, based on xiangqi, commonly known as "Chinese chess". The next year's Battle Chess 4000 spoofed science fiction movies and television series (such as a battle sequence involving the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey) and used a clay-animation art style similar to ClayFighter.

Even chess novices will enjoy the animated action as pieces do battle in this novel take on the classic board game.Featuring 35 different battle moves including period pop culture references and an opening library of 30,000 moves. You can take on the computer or a human oppponent.

In most respects, it is an ordinary chess program, not even as smart as most PC chess programs of the time. But it is different in one way: The chess pieces are all animated, and every time a piece was moved, you can see an animation. Every time there is a capture, the capturing piece fights a little battle with the captured piece on the board. Since the rules of chess are still in effect, the result of these battles is always a Foregone Conclusion, but the battles are fun to watch, especially on early plays (watching the same animation for the millionth time, however...)

The OP:

So I love chess... and battle chess was always one of the most memorable games I've ever played. Each piece was animated and had different battle animations for each opposing piece. I always liked the concept, but have never seen it done nearly as well as the original DOS game.

I'd be willing to donate $100 US this time next year to someone if they could make a well-done battle chess game featuring Doom monsters as the chess pieces. 

Preferably made for *Android OS* and Windows.

It occurs to me that the $100 might not be enough when considering the amount of work itd likely be, though from one person that's a nice chunk of change for a small game. Maybe if others feel the same we could start a gofundme website to take donations to be given to the author for being such an awesome guy, or gal.

I have made quite a few chess AI in my life. Never in GZDoom or a Doom port mind you. The chess part is easy or at least easy to a level of its a time sink. The more time you spend working on the chess part, the better the game gets and the easier it is to program.

Doom has all of the attack animations and walking animations. So I'd just steal them from there and have monsters fight for your amusement. Unless you want custom stuff. I know a few Russian sprite artists that do cheap work, but not enough for $100. Just because custom animation is labor intensive. Anyone serious about programming the project, can do so with those official Doom 1 & 2 animations and sprites.

Depending how busy a person is, the project could be done in a week with proper polish a month for a serious project... that can't make any money due to copyrights. If anything its a feather in someone's cap.

I always preferred Mortal Kombat Deception's version of chess. It makes it interesting, even without the fighting game tacked onto it.

This might not be what you want, but imagine this... every enemy has HP, you chose your pawns, rooks, knights, kings and queens from any monster. I suppose to balance it, you'd have a "finance" of 100 points, with cyberdemon being worth 60, Mancubus worth 40 and so on.

Their health and attack is based on what class they are. So a pawn has 1/10th of their health and attack. A pawn attacking a King would only damage a king, not kill him. The King still has the movement of a king. Then there are special places on the board that will buff whoever is on that special tile. That's how Mortal Kombat Deception chess was. Again, probably not what you want, but I'm just throwing that in to discuss.

Oh I wasn't talking about chess in Doom, I was talking about an animated chess game that would look like Doom.

I realize that when money is involved people get to thinking about copyrights. There is a live background for the Android OS that has a Doomguy wandering around killing all the Doom 1 monsters. If that's only legal due to it being free, then technically this comes down to a semantics issue. We could donate to a person just for being who they are or just because we are thankful for what they've done. Of course it might make donations harder to come by, but all that comes down to is wording.

It doesn't need to be as free as doom in terms of animation and possibilities. Just straight up chess. Look up battle chess to see what I'm talking about. The pieces are all still until you click them, which they then are animated to move to a certain square. Upon reaching a square, if it is occupied both units move to stand on opposite corners and go through their battle animations. For example, when a knight kills a knight, but only a knight, in battle chess it plays out like a scene from Month Python and the Holy Grail, with the attacking piece cutting off both arms and legs before beheading the defender. It's quite comical.

I guess I'm thinking that the Doom look of it should be ok since others have done similar Doom-looking things.

I played the mortal kombat deception chess, it was fun, but not what I'm looking for. Though to do something like that in Doom would be nuts and prolly pretty fun.


I had thought about making a chess map in DB2 that would use monsters. Might wind up cheesy, moving pieces would be a chore, and if I made it it'd only be for 2 players, but that's something that wouldn't be too difficult to make. 

I like your idea better of basing it more off of the MK Deception chess. If that was done itd be really cool if the player could play as the pieces during the fight. That shit would be so epic, haha. But this is all off-topic, as I'm looking for a separate app.

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