Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I think I found an invasive plant, what are my next steps?

A: If you think you might have found an invasive plant, please do four things: 1. Take a picture of it. 2. Get a description of the location, as exact as possible. 3. Send this information to the CISMA email, Coordinator.cisma.bkw@gmail.com 4. Create a post on iNaturalist of the plant


Q: I'm interested in learning more about herbicides, where can I go for more information?

A: First off, we recommend contacting a certified herbicide applicator with your questions. They have detailed knowledge and experience to help you. Send the CISMA an email if you would like further assistance. Visit the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets here and Vermont Land Trust's video here for further herbicide information.  

Q: Why should I care about invasive plants in Vermont?

A: Invasive plants greatly impact not only the natural world, but economies and recreational opportunities. To learn more about invasive plant impacts and why you should care, click here  

Q: Aren't invasive species ultimately increasing biodiversity?

A: The first season that an invasive plant is present, the biodiversity will increase. However, if the invasive plant outcompetes the native plants in the area, there eventually will be a decline in biodiversity.

Q: What time of year is best for controlling invasive plants?

A: It really depends on the type of treatment being used. It is important to time your treatments to maximize effectiveness. For instance, if hand pulling, do it when the soil is wet, as the roots don't hold as tightly in damp soil. Spring and Fall are great times for this. Check out the Treatment buttons on the species pages on the Vermont Invasives website for a chart that shows the best timing for various treatment types.