About Me

Short and snappy.

What got me into nutrition coaching was because of my personal weight loss journey. I lost roughly six stone back in 2014 (that’s me on the left of that picture about 6 years ago), and I have never looked back. Without sounding cheesy, it changed my life, so this led me to geek out on nutrition all the time. Because of so much confusing, conflicting information (insert one of the 300 magical diets in the world) in the industry, I started to study it more and more. Trust me, I have been there and done that.

Paleo? Yep.

Keto? Yep.

Clean eating? (whatever that is) Yep.

Low carb or low fat? Yep.

Off added sugar? Yep.

No fruit? Yep.

Low GI diet? Yep

I have followed many diets as you can see in the past and followed many of the wrong people in the process. All failed for me in terms of sustainability. Sure, I created a few good habits but I struggled to stick to any of them in the long term.

After helping a few family members and friends to optimize their health or to just simply lose a few pounds, I thought, well, I would love to help more people but I also felt that I wasn't up to scratch with what the evidence and experts were saying in the field of nutrition, and if I want to help more people I needed to level up on my nutrition knowledge, and not only that I needed guidance on how to best apply the knowledge to working with people.

Hence, on September '17, I started studying my year-long online nutrition course (MacNutritionUni) and have passed now as a certified MNU Nutritionist back in November '18.

At the same time of starting Mac-Nutrition-Uni, I started nutrition coaching at FF, a semi-private gym close to where I live helping people gain some understanding of nutrition whilst helping them drop a few pounds and get healthier.

I am passionate about helping people with their nutrition. The media, quacks, and hearsay only complicate nutrition in my eyes (my uncle's mate Dave who read an article online said that sugar is the devil).

I base my nutrition knowledge on scientific evidence, taking on board info from the experts in the business along with personal experience. I am a big advocate for flexibility in life with your diet because not one piece of food is bad for you in isolation and there is no harm having a glass of bubbly or having a bar of chocolate on some nights in the week.

There just needs to be some understanding of the principles involved, some personalisation around your lifestyle, some balance struck and some accountability. That's where I come in.

However, I may open the door but you have to walk through it. And I can't do that for you. Meaning, there needs to be a level of commitment & sacrifice from you in order to achieve your goal.

Anyways, enough rambling from me and check out my services if you are interested in some coaching. Have a read below if you are not sure if I can help you.

You can also check out my Instagram (link to it at the bottom of this page) where I post a lot of nutrition content to help as many people as I can.


John (the guidance) Lynch

Who Do I Work With?

My main aim is to help people reach their body composition goals, feel better about themselves, to take out all the confusion surrounding nutrition and be empowered to take control of their eating habits once they leave me. However, I can work with anyone really.

Fat loss.

Accountability - Personalized to suit your lifestyle - Enjoyable - Flexibility around your nutrition - Recommended supplementation - Dietary analysis - Education.

*Non stage-prep athletes.

Performance Nutrition.

Accountability - Personalized to suit your lifestyle - Maximize performance - Lifestyle management methods to reduce likelihood of injury and increase recovery - Flexibility around nutrition - Recommended sport supplementation.

From field base sport to maximize recovery and performance to weight cutting for the likes of boxing/MMA.

Muscle Gain.

Personalized to suit your lifestyle - Enjoyable - Flexibility around your nutrition - Recommended supplementation for enhanced muscle gain - Dietary analysis - Education.

This is probably the only time where I would recommend my "Snap Shot" service. Why is that? Well, the truth is that the main stimulus to muscle growth & strength is your resistance training. It depends on your quality of training (consistent progress overload with good technique on lifts) and training age but nutrition to a degree would be placed 2nd behind your weight training and I do not provide that. Also, gaining strength and muscle takes a hell of a long time (again depends on your training age, newbies can see gains pretty quickly), you don't see the progress instant (week to week) like fat loss. Of course with the right nutrition you are maximizing your potential but I feel there is no need for a monthly support service (unless you feel there needs to be, that's fine) and that something like a "Snap Shot" service where I point you in the right direction with the tools you need in order to maximize your potential makes more sense as there won't be that much change on a week to week basis on recommendations other than maybe lifestyle and habit structure.

When a monthly coaching service maybe good IF you want a plan laid out to go through a muscle gaining phase for a good few months (again, this is based on you already doing some type of weight training program) and then drop into a cutting phase to get nice and lean (not stage/prep lean) to reveal what you have gained over them months.

General Health Improvement.

Accountability - Personalized to suit your lifestyle - Enjoyable - Flexibility around your nutrition - Recommended supplementation - Dietary analysis - Education.

Want some drop in body fat but you also maybe feel you have other issues like some foods not tolerating with you or that you feel that your energy is zapped all the time and you want help in order to find what is causing these issues, manage stress and improve your health in general.


For the past year I have been working in FF gym (and clients outside FF) with people on their nutrition that are looking to drop some body fat and improve their health. I have experience working with athletes as well. Specifically Gaelic football (Irish sport) players in order to optimize performance whilst dropping some body fat.

Integrity and honesty is at the core. So, if I feel like I can not help you or I think that you and I, together, would best tackle the issue with a specialist then I will recommend someone who I trust and refer you on (if you agree, that is)

If you are interested in nutrition coaching, then please, check out my services (click the button at the bottom of this page) and fill in the pre-consultation form so I get to know you better and we can set up a face to face video call.

