The Virtual Writing Workshop

Janet Ahn is a kindergarten teacher. This blog is about how she teaches writing workshop virtually to the youngest of our students. It includes videos of student work and students talking about their writing.

Watch Kelly Boswell confer with a student virtually. Be sure to notice her teaching moves: listening to her student, naming his strengths, providing direct instruction, urging him to make decisions, and summarizing her teaching points.

Lynn Dorfman offers suggestions for a virtual writing workshop for middle school

Ideas from Two Teachers Writing Teachers Blog

Providing Tools for Writing and Sharing During the Pandemic: This blog presents great suggests and even shows videos of kindergartners sharing their writing.

Shared Writing: A Tool to Come Back To (3rd grade)

The Joyful Writing Club (5th grade)

Creating a Digital Conferring Kit

Kristin Bond encourages Matt Foss, a high school teacher, to talk about how he confers virtually with students. (Scroll to the second half of this blog.)