

1Feigning politicians
Journal of Politics [Accepted, preprint].

2. Liberty, security, and accountability: The rise and fall of illiberal democracies (with Gabriele Gratton)
Review of Economic Studies, 91(1), 2024, pp. 340–371 [preprint].
* Winner of the Oliver Williamson Best Paper Award at 2021 SIOE Conference [Announcement].
* In the media: ProMarket article [here] - October 20, 2021.

3. Gridlock, leverage, and policy bundling
Journal of Public Economics, 212, 2022. [preprint]  

4. A characterization of proportionally representative committees (with Haris Aziz)
Games and Economic Behavior, 133, 2022, pp. 248–255. [preprint]  

5. Political capital  (with Gabriele Gratton and Richard Holden)
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 38(3), 2022, pp. 632674.  [preprint]

6. The capacity constrained facility location problem  (with H. Aziz, H. Chan and D. C. Parkes)
Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 2020, pp. 478–490. [preprint]

7. The expanding approvals rule: Improving proportional representation and monotonicity (with H. Aziz)
Social Choice and Welfare,  54(1), 2020, pp. 1–45. [preprint]

8. Voting on large graphs: An application of graph limit theory
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems  — Series A, 38(4), 2018, pp. 1719–1744. [preprint]

Working Papers

1. Drain the swamp: A theory of anti-elite populism (with Gabriele Gratton)
* In the media: ProMarket article [here] - October 9, 2023.

2. From gridlock to polarization (with Marc S. Jacob and Gabriele Gratton)
* In the media: Not Another Politics podcast [here] - November 16, 2023.
* In the media: ProMarket article [here] - June 26, 2024.
* POLECONUK Webinar recording [here] - October 16, 2023. 

4. Democratic resilience (with Marc S. Jacob and Milan Svolik). [In progress]

5. Legislative hostage-taking (with Giovanni Andreottola)

6. Signaling via elite-induced referendums (with Pedro P. Pérez-Velasco, PhD student at ETH Zürich). [Coming soon]

7. Bad democracy traps (with Gabriele Gratton and Hasin Yousaf).

8. Strategyproof and proportionally fair facility location  (with Haris Aziz, Alex Lam, and Toby Walsh)

9. Proportionally Representative Clustering  (with Haris Aziz, Sean Morota Chu, and Jeremy Vollen)

Conference Publications

1. Strategyproof and proportionally fair facility location  (with H. Aziz, A. Lam, and T. Walsh)
WINE: Conference on Web and Internet Economics2022, p.  351. [Abstract only]

2. Proportionally representative participatory budgeting with ordinal preferences (with H. Aziz)
AAAI: Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021, pp. 5110–5118.

3. Facility location problem with capacity constraints: Algorithmic and mechanism design perspectives (with H. Aziz, H. Chan, B. Li and T. Walsh) 
AAAI: Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020, pp. 1806–1813.

4.  The political economy of blockchain governance (with D. J. Moroz and D. C. Parkes)
Cryptoeconomic Systems (MIT Press: online journal),  2020.  [Abstract only, working paper - due to be updated]

5. The capacity constrained facility location problem  (with H. Aziz, H. Chan and D. C. Parkes)
WINE: Conference on Web and Internet Economics2019, p. 336.  [Abstract only, GEB journal version]

6.  Proportionally representative participatory budgeting: Axioms and algorithms (with H. Aziz and N. Talmon)
AAMAS: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2018, pp. 23–31.

7. Sub-committee approval voting and generalised representation axioms (with H. Aziz) 
AIES: AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, 2018, pp. 3–9.