
Recovery from prediction failure

At Oxford, I was interested in further exploring the question of recovery from prediction failure. How rapidly can people rework their current linguistic predictions after encountering a failure-inducing cue? In other words, once people realize that what they predicted is unlikely to ensue, how quickly (if even) do they recover?

In a 2x2 study manipulating word predictability and measure word specificity, I replicated the English version (presented at HSP 2022) of Chow & Chen (2020)  with the additional manipulation of removing any preview time. This was based off previous findings (Ferreira et al., 2013) that suggested that removing preview negatively influences prediction (at least within a visual world paradigm). 

Once again, many thanks to Dr. Chow and her PhD student, Kayla Chen, on meeting with Professor Husband and I and sharing their stimuli! 

Example stimulus taken from Chow & Chen (2020), used in our study as well  (with the consent of Dr. Chow and Kayla Chen)