Ballycruttle Farm
Refill Shop
The Zero Waste Shopping Experience
Ballycruttle Farm Refill Shop wants to provide a plastic free, zero waste shopping experience by providing a greener way of living and quality sustainable grocery products.
We are on a mission to tackle food and plastic packaging waste by providing customers a zero plastic shopping experience.
Bring your jars, bottles and pay for what you weigh.
Reduce waste going to Landfill by buying only what you need.
Reduce the space in your household with quality foods.
Recycle and Reuse your bags and jars.
How It Works:
We have large dispensers and scoop bins filled with products that would ordinarily be wrapped in Single use packaging.
Customers can bring their own containers or jars - which eliminates the need for unnecessary plastic packaging.
You weigh (or tare) your container first. You place the sticker on your container.
Fill your container with the desired product.
Re-weigh your filled container - the weight of the container will be deducted from the total amount. Place the new sticker on the container and take this to the till.