I'm not trained or formally educated in anyway regarding cinema or video. I have enjoyed recording and capturing memories since I was a child. And over the last decade, in the form of video. I wish I was more skilled in video editing to make these stunning and attractive videos that saturate  social media, but capturing memories  and sharing it with loved ones is what's most important to me. 

Most of the videos I make spill into spaces like ABxAM, since a lot of the time I spend is with my partner. Some of my work is trapped on Instagram for friends. But hopefully I can begin to share other content I make here on this page as well! 

Anniversary Videos

Seven years of fun and adventures with Aya 🥰 enjoy watching through our travels and time together! 

Teaching Tips with Mr. B

I started creating some YouTub Shorts about my knowledge and experience from my career as a teacher

Classroom Upgrade

I had the opportunity to transform my classroom to foster collaboration. Check out what's new and what I chose to include in my new classroom!

Footage shot by my brother [@hiredmyself] and me

Balasbas Trip - Seoul, South Korea 2019

Enjoy a recap video I made of my family's trip to South Korea! It was our first time going abroad since our last family trip to the Philippines and Beijing in 2011. I tried to capture everything in this video, but hopefully I can put out other ones that show different parts of our trip. Stay tuned for a Japan one!

Footage shot by my brother [@hiredmyself] and me

Breakthrough San Francisco - Summer Teaching Fellowship 2015

Enjoy a recap video I made of my first teaching gig at Breakthrough San Francisco in 2015. Breakthrough San Francisco is a non-profit after school program located at the San Francisco Day School. They're a program that provides underrepresented and marginalized students educational support from 5th-12th grade. I originally volunteer tutored with their after school program for a year when the administration at the time suggested I apply to their Summer Teaching Fellowship. This fellowship hires college students from across the country and trains them to be Breakthrough Educators in English, Math, Science, and History for grades 5-8.