Spring 2023 Lectures

Additional Resources:

"Our Brave Communities" with Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada

2022-2023 ALA President Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada will share her insights on the opportunities and challenges in libraries, librarianship, and for library workers in our current world and the near future.


"Flourish or Perish: Exploring the Lived Experience of Trauma in Librarianship" with Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty

Speaking personal truths and professional observations from 20+ years in library, archives, and special collections work, Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty, Director of the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, challenges librarians and archivists to recenter their emotional investment in the hierarchical conflicts among themselves and honestly engage with the realities of contemporary library work and how their work as librarians is viewed by society at large.

"Flourish or Perish" Slides

Flourish or Perish: Exploring the Lived Experience of Trauma in Librarianship" with Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty

Additional Resources & Book Recommendations:

"Life After Potter: Revisiting Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World" with Dr. Sarah Park Dahlen and Dr. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas

Dr. Dahlen and Dr. Thomas discuss the purpose and process of co-editing their Harry Potter scholarly anthology during a period of social change in children's publishing and beyond.

Additional Resources:

"Digital Kinship and Librarians" with Jessie Loyer

Librarians exist within a web of relationships: to our students, to our patrons, to our peers, and to the information we broker. Indigenous worldviews tend to describe these relationships in more fulsome ways. Using the Cree concept of wâhkôhtowin provides a structure for librarians to be thoughtful and precise in how we build this kinship, especially as our collections can be sites of misinformation and trauma around Indigenous topics.

"Rosarium Publishing: Introducing the World to Itself Since 2013" with Bill campbell

Bill Campbell will discuss his journey from author to publisher and Rosarium's accomplishments and continued mission to expand the fields of speculative fiction and comics.