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No matter how angry I am hearing all those misleading stories, I make sure to keep myself calm before I make an action. An angry person will only commit irate actions and might say things he or she will regret in the end. So, inhale, exhale with kindness and take an hour to digest the information. Once you feel calm enough, proceed to the next step.


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I always believe that there is something to learn from every situation. Being a "victim" or even a courageous triumpher of backstabbers will help you learn more about these people, their behaviours and also about yourself. Recognising these things will also help you grow more.

These dog-like entities are highly untrustworthy and unpredictable. Backstabbers may appear friendly or even kind, but don't let that fool you. These entities are actually incredibly malicious and have a sadistic joy for killing survivors. It has been observed that their tactic is to lead people away from groups, corner them, and take them down swiftly with ease. Despite their name, backstabbers are incredibly loyal to their kind and just want to keep their home safe. They may not be the standard, large security that people see. However, they are definitely a force that drives out survivors one by one. They do not have the strongest, brute strength like onixen or kaithers, so they must rely on knowledge.

Backstabber's appearance starts with a light tan fur color along with a calm brown at the front of their muzzle, with also a deep dark grey at the tip of their snout. They also have deep black eyes with white irises as a reference to the Five Nights at freddy's characters during the night. Backstabber's fur is mainly connected with a german shepards pelt as for dog is their species. They have the same Tan from their face coming down to their paws/arms and to the bottom of their feet. Backstabbers wear deep, calm, purple, Spread collar shirts including a black tie. They also have a dark grey belt with a golden lock with a very deep brown set of pants. Backstabber's tail has black start then it goes into the same deep dark grey, then calm brown, and then finally the end of the tail has the average tan that's also on their face fur.

Errr, please link me where it says so, I can't find it. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) HammerJack Aug 31, 2020, 04:08 pm Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber That question is a little backwards. On most cases, the rules say what something is, not what it isn't. You can see what precision is at =340

"bonuses" are defined as Proficiency, Item, Circumstance and Status, nothing more (somewhere in chapter 9 where it says how you roll). For penalties, it's the same sort, additional damage, stacks, because nothing forbits it to stack.

=> These all stack too? Yep, which is why multiclassing into rogue/investigator/swashbuckler gives you a worse version that the base class gets For example, getting sneak attack by multiclassing into rogue costs a feat and gives 1d4 damage, which improves to 1d6 at 6th level, and never gets any better. A real rogue has 2d6 by level 5, and eventually maxes out at 4d6. There's no way to get strategic strike via multiclassing, and finishers are capped in a similar way to sneak attack.

I agree it's hardly ideal, but theoretically doable. yes, but you have to fullfil all 3 requirements to gain all the benefits.So, you both need to be using your Devise a stratagem roll, be attacking a flat-footed target and have Panache to spend to get all precision damage sources.

Rogue Multiclass for even more Skills and Sneak Attack on an Investigator is actually a pretty decent mechanical choice if you're more interested in the 'skill-focused, Int-based combatant' side of Investigator than the actual investigations (and are going melee...flanking being the best way to leverage the Sneak Attack).

The real benefit to understanding that you can combine precision damage are the big sources available in APG archetypes like Eldritch Archer and Assassin on top of your class source, not combining a class with another classes's weak sauce MC dedication precision damage.

Some are. Goblin Rogues with dogslicers are pretty on point, and a war razor is basically a straight razor, which is a classic for gang members and the like, and specifically described as easily concealed up a sleeve. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Taja the Barbarian Sep 1, 2020, 05:32 pm Deadmanwalking wrote: Andrew the Warwitch wrote: Too bad the "backstabber" weapons are not what a rogue would normally carry. Some are. Goblin Rogues with dogslicers are pretty on point, and a war razor is basically a straight razor, which is a classic for gang members and the like, and specifically described as easily concealed up a sleeve. Dogslicer - Uncommon, Martial weapon, d6 weapon die: Perfectly decent weapon, but still requires an ancestry feat to gain access (and another for the crit specialization).

Fighting Fan - Uncommon, Martial weapon, d4 weapon die: Even if you somehow gain access and proficiency, you are almost certainly better off with a Shortsword outside of social situations where holding a fan is more acceptable than a blade.

Filcher's Fork - Uncommon, Martial weapon, d4 weapon die: Really not worth the ancestry feat to gain access.

War Razor - Common, Martial weapon, d4 weapon die: Easy to actually purchase, but basically impossible to be fully proficient in (you can get trained from a general feat, but that's it).

On the plus side after a nose dive down I have stepped up to become more confident and developed self-esteem that I have never had and am now trying to build up my own business of reaising self-esteem in ladies who have had troubled lives. Every cloud has a silver lining and I count my blessings that I do not have to deal with this person anymore.

I have a similar neighbour who is in his mid 70s who had stirred up a silly thing as an issue and bad-mouthed about me to the other neighbours before a Residential Community meeting. He let myself and the other neighbours argue on this silly issue (which i am entitled to do) and he remained silent and calm as if he knew nothing.

Backstabbers are just everywhere, Just be cautious. Try not to mess with them. If you are messing with these people you should be prepared to tear their masks in front of everyone. I am now trying not to have any conversation with him.

Thank you for this article. I have tried hard to find anything on the Internet about why a friend would REPEATEDLY backstab me even after we had worked things out over a previous incident. Then you said exactly how it is, she is unable to stop because it IS in fact the only way she gets attention. I would have thought our friendship would have been more important than the half hearted attention she receives from backstabbing.

Great article!

I lost jobs and reputation on the losing side of similar personalities. Still, in my opinion and with my experience, it harshly ever remains at bad-mouthing, when money and success can only go to the winner.

Thank you for this article. I am able to move on after reading it because I finally understand the personality of a backstabber in details. It helped me to get on with my life and that I am not going to waste time feeling angry about it. Instead, I feel sorry for such person who resort to backstabbing tactics to get ahead by destroying others for their own gain and entertainment.

Hi Aleena i feel your pain as ive had excema all my life 46yrs it sure does make you feel insecure i use to get picked on at school and it would hurt me alot and still in my adult life! Try not let others bring you down change your way of thinking, these people dont understand or are educated in having excema, i use to have to explain the pain i was in and how dry my skin was.. Sending you my love stay strong x

Confronting a backstabber will most likely make an enemy (been there done that more then once)

look at the pyscology and the motive- these people are cowards who are insecure and put down others and undermine at work ect.. when you call them out they just get sneakier about what they do.

I would suggest this.

If there a gossip you can confront them without emotion- in a matter of fact way and say you value them and their friendship this is why your speaking with them about this matter.

I wish knew this earlier or someone taught me how to deal with this kind of people or with varying degrees. I have grown weak and tired because of them, i may be fortunate enough to be naturally different from them but living with them for years do take a toll (especially considering i can easily emphatize with people). I wish i knew this and what i read here, years ago.

First off let's talk about the person sitting in front of you. He is your best friend. Since he's pieces are far away from yours they rarely make contact with yours in the opening. In addition you both have the same enemies on the sides and if any combination happens against an enemy on the side, he is the most likely to help you. You also don't want anything bad to happen to your friend since you are unlikely to be able to join the party and get points from him. And you don't want your enemies to get free points.

Next we have the player to the right. He is a backstabber. If any other player checks you or make a move you need to respond to (like trading a piece), he will always be there and try to take advantage of it. However you should not fear him, he should be the one fearing you! If you initiate a trade or create a threat against him, then your best friend are ready to backstab him before he can respond. Whether you want your best friend to get points this way is up to you, but the backstabber should definitely fear you. 152ee80cbc

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