Criminal Background Check Nanny

Criminal Background Check Nanny

You can get a criminal records check for any person by county or obtain a nationwide check. Understand more about criminal history checks as well as other forms of reports available at In addition we provide personalized record checks for prospective romantic couples or for a household concern, day care along with other every day needs, contractors and other organizations. Find out more about personalized background checks and receive a no cost background check scan at right now.

Criminal Background Check Nanny

Criminal Background Check Nanny

At the very least, a nanny background check should include a Social Security Number Search (this usually includes a name alias search and address history search), a National criminal database search, National sex offender search, and most importantly a 7 year county criminal search in the main counties the nanny has resided (ideally all counties). Crimcheck is available to assist you in performing and finding babysitter or nanny background checks, criminal records or reference checks in a timely and affordable manner. One County Criminal Search- Turn around time is usually 3-5 is a court record pull of the main county the nanny has resided in during the last 7 years. Either require that the nanny provide you an original, current DMV record or order this search independently as part of the criminal background check.

Check DMV records, even if the nanny or senior caregiver will not be driving. NannyVerify allows families to order a driving records report, where available, at additional costs. If your nanny has held an international driver's license or a license in another country, try contacting that country's DMV, or equivalent, to see if you can obtain driving records.

Gathering a complete criminal records history, whether at a county level or state level, will give you a comprehensive view of your nanny's past. If you use a background check agency to complete your nanny background check, make sure they check criminal records for the past seven years. NannyCare uses a third party to run comprehensive background checks on all nannies listed on it's site.

NannyVerify has been providing families access to comprehensive, FCRA compliant pre-employment background screening services since 1998. Bargain priced nanny background checks may not be thorough enough to portray an accurate picture of the nanny's history. Employ a nanny or senior caregiver without checking references and employment history.

Driving records are very important, and they reveal more than just how well the nanny or senior caregiver drives. We also recommend a motor vehicle records search be run even if you do not plan to have the nanny drive your children or have the caregiver drive your aging loved one to appointments and activities. The basic single county criminal check is a good starting point for nanny screening.

You must search all names in all jurisdictions to conduct a thorough nanny or senior caregiver criminal background search. Perform nanny and caregiver background checks before you hire. For each state your nanny has held a driver's license, ask the DMV offices for driving records (many states allow you to do this online).

If your child is going to spend any time in the car with your nanny, it's worth checking out your nanny's driving record. If your nanny has lived abroad, be sure to check any criminal records from those countries. If you're completing the background check yourself , ask your nanny for a seven year address history (most checks won't return information from longer than seven years ago).

Since background checks are standard in the nanny industry — agencies typically run background checks on all their candidates — there's no reason to feel bad about asking for one. We believe that our preliminary background check is a good indicator of any red flags and helps determine if the nanny is a viable candidate, BUT it should not be used in leu of a thorough background check. We believe that every family should conduct a thorough background check on their nanny or caregiver.

NannyCare goes back 7 years when doing it's searches. If you only run a background check in the nanny's current county, you may be missing any crimes the nanny may have committed previously in different counties. It is extremely important to run a background check on the caregiver or nanny that you decide to hire.

Our nanny background checks are fully FCRA compliant and since our process is online, there are no forms for you or the nanny to sign and return to us. Once a family finds a nanny they wish to hire and a job offer is made and accepted, it is time to order a background check. Parents should order a nanny background check as part of their pre-employment screening. nanny background check

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