I recently downloaded the Forteller app and purchased the narration for Gloomhaven and Frosthaven. It's excellent but unfortunately, it advertised both the narration and also foley effects/background music, which it does not have.

As soon as I start up Air Link, high-pitched 'space-age' music, basically just one fluctuating high major chord. Even though it is fairly soft, it is by now becoming very irritating! When I close Air Link, it stops. Anyone know how to silence it forever, without of course silencing everything else on my headset? Please!! Thanks.

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Sorry for the pun, but if it's just one singular note, then it sounds like the Oculus Home startup sound is glitching. In which case, you may need to contact Support. If that's not the case, you might have an ambient music track set up in your Oculus Home.

Thanks, but that link is to a thread almost three years old. I don't have a 'Preferences' option (as shown there in screenshot on p.2) and can't find any audio options anywhere, only to turn down the volume on the headset globally. How do I turn off the ambient music?

I'm not sure how hard you looked. When you load up Oculus Home, hit the menu button (on the left controller). That will call up a menu with the several options, including Inventory and Notifications. Preferences is right below Notifications. Select it. Next, select "audio" from the menu that appeared. See where it says "background music" with a bar next to it? Lower that bar (which is volume) until it's zeroed out. Presto, no ambient music.

a, Get the music to pause when the user is not active on the screen (for example on a different tab or different app). I tried adding a workflow that pauses the audio when the page is not visible but it still keeps playing in the background. Does anyone have an idea on how to get this accomplished?

Might be an odd question, but I'm looking for the music/song that is used in the Hello Fresh sponsor part of the latest camera lens video (5:50). I have heard it in numerous places before for many years, and have never been able to find out what it was called.

I guess no one knows. It's quite possible Matt picked it from a selection of Royalty Free music and didn't even know himself. I see that he's using PremiumBeat and its collection (it's a part of Shutterstock) is vast. It sounds like something Century Music might have done so you could always start there. But there are over 1,500 tracks with a glock on the site.

Although he mostly uses PremiumBeat, I have found that he also occasionally uses proudmusiclibrary.com (not very often, though). He uses Floating Across The Floor for some audio tests and possibly a song called "flight" or similar...

If you're interested in using similar background music for your own videos or projects, consider looking for royalty-free music libraries. There are many websites and platforms that offer a wide range of music tracks that can be used legally in videos without copyright issues.

That way people who want to hear the song can download it or open it in their favourite music player, etc. The URL link should auto format within phpBB anyway after you type it and hit the [post reply] button.

The best way is to simply add a link to the file that plays the music. Anyone who clicks the link will then play the music in the background in their preferred music playing software while those that are already listening to their own choice of music or who are at work can simply not click the link.

I made a demo featuring background music that goes through the whole course (doesn't change from slide to slide). The user can chose from four songs to listen to and can adjust the volume, and the song continues playing through every slide and loops when it completes. I've also added instructions on how to make this work to the module.

I've put together a second demo that shows a different way to do this. This second version performs the same actions as the first one, but without needing to edit the output files every time you publish! It saves a lot of headaches when you need to edit something in the course because now you don't have to drop the music files into the output folder and you dont have to edit the html file every time you publish!

Hi Jackson, I've tried several different ways to get this to work for me without much luck - I am not super experienced at code, so I am confused about what the exact code should look like, including the code to add in the music. This is what I added in, but I don't think it is correct:

A BIG Thank You, Jackson. I have a nursing course with many StoryLine components, include a separate References and Credits module. Adding background music to each slide just didn't sound right. However, your solution makes it much more professional sounding.

Hi, Michael. I used the code you provided to play background sound. The background sound play success, but the foreground sound(sound_1 in following picture) did not play. there is only background sound. what is the problem? Many thanks in advance for you.

image1082453 46.7 KB

Background:  Recent research has shown that background music may improve memory consolidation and retrieval. Nevertheless, in the clinical conditions preceding dementia such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), there is no current evidence speaking to what effect background music during memory tasks has on impaired cognition.

Methods:  We tested the effect of background music by using a face recognition memory task in patients with amnestic MCI. In Experiment 1, we tested the effect of background music on memory when it was played solely during an encoding phase. In Experiment 2, we explored effects of background music when played during both encoding and recognition phases. In Experiment 3, we explored the role of musically induced arousal on memory.

Results:  The main finding from these three experiments was that background music played during a memory task did not improve or worsen participant performance. However, when exposed to high-arousal music, memory performance was predicted by individual mood regulation. For low-arousal music conditions, there was a negative relationship between rating scores for music pleasantness and performance on the memory task.

Hello. How do I add continuous background audio (song) to play throughout a Prezi video? I see how to add it to a Prezi presentation, but I have turned my presentation into a video with my voice narrating through the video, but I would also like a background song to play quietly throughout.

Hi I am trying to create a video presentation using prezi video on browser, I have no problem in adding voiceover to my video howevwer I am unable to add a background score. Is there anyway I can have both background score and voice over in my prezi video?


I just want to know how to play the backgaround music forever for all scene in cospace. Because I imported the background music in scene 1, when the story go to the next scene 2 that the music is stopped . Thank you

How do I remove background music from a video with dialogue? I just want the video with the dialogue without the music playing. Is there a way to separate the audio track so it shows music and dialogue separately?

Hi Collin. Unfortunately removing vocals from a track is not as simple as it may sound. In fact its near impossible without having he separate track files. However with some clear eq tweaking you could isolate and boost the vocal frequencies and take down the music. The problem is in the overlap. A lot of the vocals of and the music share frequencies and its at these points that you will inevitably hear the music play. There are tons of 3rd party vendors who offer software to try and emulate this process but in all my years of experience I have never seen a single one that ,manages it flawlessly.

One thought: if you feel audience is being distracted by background music, say for example during a pause in the dialog, is there room to put a graphic overlay or text or something 'on screen' to keep the audience into the 'visual' aspect of your media presentation. The more the audience attends to the visual aspects, the less they will attend the 'sound' portion... maybe, just a thought.

After so many restarts and sitting through endless installations with that music on, I set all music to 0 volume in game. It was good music the first month, then it started getting repetitive, then grating, then obnoxious. Nowadays I only hear the music when the game wants to start in safe mode after a CTD, so it just gives me a nasty feeling lol. Literally clicking play on that you tube video above raises my stress level. It was good, once a long time ago.

You can register WAV-format music files, saved to your computer, to the cameras memory card as background music. Registered background music can be played together with a Video Snapshot Album or slideshow played on the camera.NOTEMusic files meeting the following requirements may be registered to the cameras memory card.File format: Music file export: WAVE (.wav, .wave) files in linear PCMFile time limit: Up to 29 min. 59 sec. per one fileFile number limit: Up to 20 filesChannels: 2 channels

- When the [EOS Sample Music] folder is installed to your computer, five tracks appear in [Background music to register] the first time as EOS Sample Music.- When the camera is in movie shooting mode, registering background music is not possible.

A music file is added to [Background music to register].- You can also directly drag and drop a music file saved anywhere in your computer to add it to [Background music to register].- Music can be added only one track at a time.- A total of 20 tracks can be added, each up to 29 minutes 59 seconds long. 2351a5e196

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