Having a baby is a big change in your life. A Baby Care nurse can answer your questions and help you work through any problems you have while you are pregnant and after your baby is born. She is there to support you and help you and your baby have a healthy, happy life.

To keep your baby healthy, anyone handling your little one should be up to date on their vaccines and help only if they feel well. But if you don't feel up to having guests or have other concerns, don't feel guilty about limiting visitors.

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Bonding happens during the first hours and days after birth when parents make a deep connection with their child. Physical closeness can help form an emotional link and help your baby develop in other ways. Another way to think of bonding is "falling in love" with your baby. Kids thrive from having a parent or other adult in their life who loves them unconditionally.

Sounds: Babies usually love vocal sounds, such as talking, babbling, singing, and cooing. Your baby will probably enjoy listening to soft music. Baby rattles and musical mobiles are other good ways to stimulate your infant's hearing. If your little one is fussy, try singing, reciting poetry and nursery rhymes, or reading aloud as you sway or rock your baby gently in a chair.

Some babies can be unusually sensitive to touch, light, or sound. They might startle and cry easily, sleep less than expected, or turn their faces away when someone speaks or sings to them. If that's the case with your baby, keep noise and light levels low to medium.

Swaddling: Another soothing technique is swaddling, which works well for some babies during their first few weeks. Proper swaddling keeps a baby's arms close to the body while allowing their legs to move a bit. It keeps a baby warm, and it seems to give most newborns a sense of security and comfort. Swaddling also may help limit the startle reflex, which can wake a baby.

For the first few weeks, babies get sponge baths. Then, after the umbilical cord stump falls off and the circumcision heals (if your baby was circumcised), babies can have baths in a sink or small plastic infant tub.

When your baby is ready for tub baths, the first ones should be gentle and brief. If your baby gets upset, go back to sponge baths for a week or two, then try the tub bath again. A bath two or three times a week in the first year is fine. More frequent bathing may be drying to the baby's skin.

Another good way to tell if a breastfed baby is getting milk is to notice if your breasts feel full before feeding your baby and less full after feeding. If you're formula-feeding, you can easily see if your baby is getting enough to eat. Talk with your doctor if you have concerns about your baby's growth or feeding schedule.

Objectives:  Phthalates are man-made chemicals found in personal care and other products. Recent studies suggest that some phthalates can alter human male reproductive development, but sources of infant exposure have not been well characterized. We investigated the relationship between phthalate metabolite concentrations in infant urine and maternal reported use of dermally applied infant care products.

Methods:  We measured 9 phthalate metabolites in 163 infants who were born in 2000-2005. An infant was considered to have been exposed to any infant care product that the mother reported using on her infant within 24 hours of urine collection. Results of multiple linear regression analyses are reported as the ratio of metabolite concentrations (with 95% confidence intervals) in exposed and unexposed infants. We standardized concentrations by forming z scores and examined combined exposure to multiple metabolites.

The new Fast Track Child Care Scholarship application process shortens your wait to three (3) business days to get help with child care expenses and 60 days of child care assistance while your Child Care Scholarship application is processed, if you are eligible!

Willing to provide proof that each child needing child care is a citizen of the United States or a qualified alien. (Provide a Birth Certificate for each child or documentation that certifies the child's status.) NOTE: Parents ARE NOT required to be citizens of the United States.

Step 4: If you are eligible, a temporary, 60-day Scholarship will be issued to assist with the cost of child care while we process your full application. We will ask for additional information and documentation to see if you are eligible for a 52-week Scholarship. If you provide the additional information and documentation within 15 days of submitting your fast track application, we will let you know if you are eligible for a 52-week Scholarship before your temporary Scholarship expires.

Families take the scholarship to a child care provider that participates in the Maryland EXCELS program. The scholarship is a signed agreement between the State, provider and parent. The scholarship is returned to CCS Central 2 for processing. The family is responsible for paying the State assigned co-payment and any amount not covered by the Scholarship directly to their child care provider. Once the child begins care, the child care provider submits an invoice for payments and is then reimbursed for the scholarship portion of the payment by the State.

The family co-payment is the amount that the family pays for child care and is an amount assigned by the State. The amount of the co-payment for each child decreases if families are receiving scholarships for more than one child. Families eligible for Temporary Cash Assistance and Supplemental Security Income have a $0 co-payment. Many child care facilities charge an additional amount to families -- this is called an additional fee and is the difference between the amount they charge any family, the reimbursement amount and the State assigned co-pay. Payment information should be clearly addressed in any provider contract.

The core mission of the Child Care Licensing Program is to ensure the health and safety of children in care. The Child Care Licensing Program strives to provide preventive, protective, and quality services to children in care by ensuring that licensed facilities meet established health and safety standards through monitoring facilities, providing technical assistance, and establishing partnerships with providers, parents, and the child care community.

The Child Care Licensing Program provides oversight and enforcement for licensed Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes through 21 Regional Offices located throughout California. All children and families, regardless of age, ethnicity, cultural background, gender, socioeconomic status, or ability, are afforded the same protections under law and regulations for child care facilities.

The Department of Motor Vehicles offers a license plate that can help our kids. The fees collected from the Kids Specialty License Plates are deposited in the Child Health and Safety Fund and used for programs that keep California kids safe, which include child care safety, child abuse prevention, and efforts to prevent childhood injuries. You may choose a hand, heart, star or plus sign for the sequential plate.

DES provides child care assistance to eligible families who participate in employment and specific education and training activities by providing financial support to offset a portion of child care costs for children from birth through age 12.

DES child care assistance can help families pay for care in child care center-based or home settings that are contracted with DES to provide high quality child care. Families are required to cost-share (co-pay) based on family size and income.

DCC also provides child care assistance to individuals receiving Cash Assistance (CA) who are employed or enrolled in the Grant Diversion program, as well as grandparents and guardians when the parent of the child is not living in the same home and when the grandparent or guardian is engaged in an eligible activity.

Student parents attending school at a DES Higher Education Child Care Project (HECCP) community college or university may be eligible for child care assistance through one of these participating HECCP institutions:

Looking for child care? Parents can receive free referrals and information about DES child care programs from Child Care Resource and Referral through the CCR&R website, or by calling 1-800-308-9000, Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm, and 8:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday. Se habla Espaol. Referrals to all types of child care providers - licensed centers, family child care homes, and group child care homes are available. Information on quality of care, State licensing and other resources are also available.

Our focus is on postpartum and newborn care so that you and the newest member of your family are strong and healthy. Support services include postpartum follow-up exams, lactation help, classes, private consultations and telephone counseling, as needed.

After your baby is born, you will be moved to the mother-baby care unit for the rest of your recovery and stay. This unit offers private rooms and bathrooms in a comfortable home-like environment where you can bond with your new baby. Our expert care team will be there to answer your questions and guide you on baby care, self care, breast/bottle-feeding and more.

Some babies need special monitoring or procedures that require him or her to stay in the newborn nursery under the continuous care of a nurse. Our newborn observation area staffed by a newborn care nurse is where tests and procedures such as circumcision, newborn hearing screening, and metabolic screening take place. It can also be used while mothers are sleeping, showering, or at any other time you need someone to watch your baby. You and the person you choose to wear the newborn identification ID band are allowed in the newborn nursery at anytime. Other visitors must be accompanied by you or your partner. e24fc04721

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