For songs that repeat a chorus, is the chorus just recorded once and that recording is used multiple times in the song, or is the chorus sung originally each time with minor differences in the performance?

I have been having a problem getting rid of this vocal latency issue in PT 9. It sounds like there is a chorus effect on it or that the voice is being doubled when I am just arm it for recording. I don't ever remember having this problem before PT 9 but I may just not have noticed. It is not the HD PT. I am running on a Mac Pro 2.8Ghz 8 core with osx 10.6.8 and 4GB of ram. PT is version 9.03. My interface is the Onyx 1640 mixer via the firewire 400 attachment. H/W buffer size is 128 samples, and if i go any lower there is this weird distortion.(not sure if that's normal either) Host processors reads 4 processors, DAE playback buffer is at level 1, and Delay compensation engine is set to none.

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Thanks. When i monitor only through the mixer it sounds as it should, however when i switch from the the mixer to the firewire option on the mixer it still has the chorus effect on it. The problem is only occurring through PT. I may have to call mackie or Avid to see what they suggest if i can't figure it out. Any other suggestions?

I would find a way to mute Pro Tools' input monitoring and just use the Mackie's analog path. It may be as simple as muting the track you're recording to or it may involve some clever routing. On a Digi 002R/Mackie mixer setup I resorted to using the 7/8 output rather than the L/R monitor output for playback to headphones to keep input monitoring from Pro Tools out of the mix. I don't know if you can set your mixer up to function like that.

I use logic with a focusrite saffire pro 40 audio interface. When recording I monitor through the audio interface. I do this by first switching to 'zero latency mode' on the audio interface then by selecting 'no output' on the channels I am recording in logic.

If I wanted to monitor through logic, I would select 'daw tracking' on the audio interface and mute the channels I am recording on the audio interface. I would then select 'zero latency mode' in logic and select an output on the channel I am recording in logic.

Tom Waits (on Jim Wilson): "Wilson, he's always playing with time. I heard a recording recently of crickets slowed way down. It sounds like a choir, it sounds like angel music. Something sparkling, celestial with full harmony and bass parts - you wouldn't believe it. It's like a sweeping chorus of heaven, and it's just slowed down, they didn't manipulate the tape at all. So I think when Wilson slows people down, it gives you a chance to watch them moving through space. And there's something to be said for slowing down the world."Source: "Woyzeck to run at Freud Playhouse". Daily Bruin (USA), by Andrew Lee. December 3, 2002Find more on the recording on this link: Waits on Tom waits talking about this recording - _waits_interviews_tom_waitsMore on the recording - =142You can buy original recording here - -Chorus-Crickets-Jim-Wilson/dp/1932192077?tag=viglink124132-20Original recording from the author - _f.htmlAnd more: -diversion-is-this-an-amazing-chorus-of-slowed-down-crickets/

Of course I can record one loop (verse for instance), stop, switch to the empty loop, record another (chorus), and later in playback can switch back and forth as I jam over it. But doing this without stopping playback seems to be impossible!

I have recently purchased the 95000 and of course I wanted to use the non-existent verse chorus switching functions. It would be nice, if EHX decided to add such functionality, but with a little planning, it can be done with some little fiddling around (foot operated only):

You can share the full call recordings with your team or just snippets of the key moments for sales coaching. The platform provides key metrics like the number of filler words used and the talk-to-listen ratios.

MeetRecord is primarily a Meeting Intelligence tool, so call recording and analyzing is what it does best. It can record and transcribe conversations from your Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams meetings.

More importantly, by compiling the different call recordings together, MeetRecord can quickly identify the top performers in your sales teams and what they do differently, so the rest of the team can replicate their sales tactics.

Gong provides data-based insights for each sales recording to make coaching better. It allows you to view different metrics like topic duration, talk ratio, and question rate for every call. It also gives more visibility into the different behaviors and topics that sales representatives struggle with which in turn helps managers to identify what soft and hard skills their team needs to improve on in order to win more deals.

That said, in most cases, the chorus is designed to convey the main hook or message in a song, giving the song a point from which the arrangement can flow and as a result, truly get under the skin of the listener.

Whether dynamically the song builds up to the chorus and it becomes the loudest part, or vice-versa, this particular part should stand out and be by its very nature, repeatable. And, these tips for recording backing vocals will help you make your choruses more interesting, more powerful and more memorable.

For this clip, I've added an extra layer of warmth to the chorus vocal by using basic harmony. To achieve this effect, I placed the main vocal on loop and sang over it repeatedly until I found the sonic sweet spot where the backing track meshed with the main vocal take, as opposed to applying a theoretical approach. In doing so, I found a basic harmony line using naturally, with my ear, using a little trial, error and experimentation, bringing the chorus line to life in the process.

"People have known about chorus for decades," says EMFISIS principal investigator Craig Kletzing, of the University of Iowa. "Radio receivers are used to pick it up, and it sounds a lot like birds chirping. It was often more easily picked up in the mornings, which along with the chirping sound is why it's sometimes referred to as 'dawn chorus.'"

Robert McCauley and colleagues at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, recorded vocal fish in the coastal waters off Port Hedland in Western Australia over an 18-month period, and identified seven distinct fish choruses, happening at dawn and at dusk. You can listen to three of them here:

Many choruses need to record and distribute rehearsal tracks to help singers learn their part. In the past, we used CDs and before that... well I'm not really sure what we used! But I guess the history of rehearsal tracks can be left for another time, because we're here to talk about the present: digital. If you're not yet familiar with online recording and sharing platforms, this post will offer a few alternatives to burning and handing out CDs.

I love this app for recording four-part harmony for my barbershop chorus. To record, I choose the four part layout and start singing one part (lead or bass). After the first track is recorded, using my microphones I listen to the initial track while I individually record the others. This helps keep everything in time together without needing a metronome. I can then go in and adjust the volume of each part for the appropriate balance. (Side note: for barbershop choruses this is GREAT for obtaining the "barbershop cone" in your recordings.) The final product is the four-part arrangement for the chorus to listen to to hear the harmonies. The one thing I haven't been able to do is separate the parts, so that each part has their own recording. I typically have another recording device going so that I can separate the tracks later. The app is free with upgraded options available.

Garage Band is pre-installed on Macs and available for download on other devices. It provides multiple tracks where you can record each part on its own and bring them together when needed. It requires a little bit more tech-savviness than the Acapella App, but not much. What I love about Garage Band, is if I mess up a track, I can stop, clip out the mistake, and keep going! You can even add some effects to help with the pitch or sound if needed. This is a great tool for recording individual parts, multiple parts, or adding accompaniment.

Sometimes the best tracks are recorded during rehearsal. For these cases, I find the iPhone's "voice memo" app to be the perfect on-the-spot recording tool. It's sound quality is actually pretty decent and each singer can use it during rehearsal to record themselves for later self-evaluation. If singers do not have an iPhone but do have another smartphone, there are plenty of voice memo apps available for download.

If you have a digital recording of your track, you can send as an email attachment to your singers. However, if you try to send an email that's larger than 20-25MB, you'll find that many email services will reject your email because it's too large. This usually results in sending multiple emails with attachments - yuck! If you want to share a file only once, you can avoid email file size restrictions by using online file transfer channels such as WeTransfer - which offers up to 2GB in any given transfer.

If there are other parts of managing your choir that you find tedious and time-consuming (e.g. calendar, attendance, membership dues, etc.), you may want to consider looking at choir management software. These tools make it easy to manage all parts of an organization through a single system that's designed specifically for choirs. The most comprehensive examples are Chorus Connection and Groupanizer. Here you will be able to privately store your recordings. Price will be a considering factor when implementing a choir management solution.

Chorus helps the sales team identify important topics that were discussed in the call. It even notices areas to improve conversation follow and what areas a sales representative needs to do to close the deal. It tracks visible performance metrics for each call with a client. Sales reps can share their calls with other members and its easy for new hires to use the system. The sales team gains better coaching and tips to be more successful in their customer journey process. Since Chorus is responsible for recording calls in real-time, it also saves those calls in the cloud so that a sales member can go back and listen later. Chorus integrates with Salesforce Enterprise and with other existing sales workflow processes your company may use. e24fc04721

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