studio lighting 

key light= main lighting 

fill light = 

soft box= a box that is fitted  over key light to make it a soft light 

reflector= reflects light from key light 

remote trigger=  attached to cam to make light come on automatically 

catch light = reflection of eye 

Richard Avedon  Born: 15 May 1923, Died: 1 October 2004 was a famous photographer who grew up in New York.he worked for vogue,Harpers Bazzar and Elle.He captured movement in still photos. he also took photos of marlyn monerow. there a man half naked in the photo with a hairy chest and old wrinkily skin witch make it look like he works as a trade.He has old ruined clothes (probably work clothes).Richard has made him look tierd and has had a long day from his job and its hot. compered to the other photos they get stranger this is made with natural lights. 

David baily was a photographer famous in the 60s 70s 80s he took many photos his most famous the Beatles. i can see that theres two young men hugging one has fat fingers the other you cant see his chin is touching the young men head this make me think they are gay becuse straight males wouldent put ther chin on anougher boys head. i would ask david why did have the men hugging and his head on a chin and why did they not make an cover for entire betels and not make it where only two of then insted of all. It was taken in a studio with black and white to add me contrast to the photo  made in studio. 

today we did a photo shoot and edited it via ps and this was it.

i have tried to make salvdor dalil picture and this is them compere to it i realy like the melting face and is were i got influence.