
              my idea is to be army 


         these photos are great as the all have different rolls for example army James and James jumping <jj> these are great photos and should be put in a glass case as these are the best photos by far as you can see detail in them and its detail is very good witch is why it should be put in a glass case as of the 3d capabilities and how good the detail is even on army James it still has all of the detail left from when i took it personally it is a great piece of work coming from the best photographer me 

Me being the best photograph ever i decide i want to twist the barrel to show more weapon so i can see more of the barrol .

ww3 is starting so war is being prepered 

ive chose the same kind of baisis but ive improved on 3d so check this out as you know me im the best ever  no one can match me my sytyle is ipregnble