Useful instruments

Useful instruments

That's what always remembers whether you are here, it is on the grounds that you are not a professional. A normal individual doesn't have the devices to compute how much burden or how much power is required for a massage, so it isn't prudent to utilize our hands. The physiotherapist suggests, in any case, the utilization of self-massage rollers.(μασαζ αθηνα)

"These rollers function admirably on the grounds that they cover a wide region. The beneficial thing about them is that they won't ever push on a solitary point, however will follow up on a slightly larger region that will cover not just the mark of contracture, so the massage will be more controlled, despite the fact that you overdo it.

Cream yes or cream no?

Creams, treatments, balms, oils... might it be said that they merit anything? Yes, yet with subtleties. You will actually want to confirm that most massage creams contain a warming impact. Heat is a vasodilator that permits more blood supply to arrive at the impacted region, easing both agony and bringing down muscle strain. In the drug store, we additionally have available to us treatments that consolidate mitigation in their arrangement.

"Creams and treatments are awesome, a portion of the ones we find in drug stores are more substance, contain hostile to inflammatories, and are very successful," affirms Soro, who by and by lessens the happiness: "Creams don't totally ease torment, nor are they very powerful, it is another assistance, yet its impact doesn't keep going extremely lengthy.

A lot of it will remain in the primary layers of the skin and won't arrive at the muscle. It will ease since it anesthetizes the region a bit. It is an excellent rule however it should be utilized along with the others: heat, self-massage and development. It is a decent assistance, yet without help from anyone else, it isn't enough, "says the individual from the Spanish Relationship of Physiotherapists (AEF).

When finished, find a situation in which you are comfortable

Assuming the torment endures after the massage (we no longer need to advise you that the main thing to do is to make a meeting with the physio), search for a place that doesn't cause torment through experimentation. «The ideal is to attempt, where am I better off?

Sitting or resting? Where do I have no aggravation? Regardless, despite this kind of strong issue, development will in general be preferable over searching for a static position, despite the fact that everything without question revolves around investigating and getting to know one another", Soro demands, reviewing that this saying of rest, so customarily recommended, has been around for quite a while. Old.

Things to do during and after a massage

Try not to come up and always know that you are not a professional. In meeting, physiotherapists have encounters of individuals who accepted what they were not and wound up harming themselves. «We really do dry needling, that is to say, we use needles to penetrate those contractures. I have found individuals who have taken pushpins at home and have pricked themselves, "says Soro. It appears glaringly evident, yet it is an illustration of things you shouldn't do. There are more signs to keep away from.

Doing an exceptionally serious massage or stacking the fingers on a particular point strongly isn't suggested.

If all else fails with respect to whether to apply intensity or cold, applying anything is better than not.

Don't self-cure.

Aside from an infection or after surgery, rest isn't suggested.

Remember that a large portion of the suggestions and exhortation given in this article are acclimated to muscle torment because of contracture and that we shouldn't, for instance, apply heat in the event that we don't have any idea how to distinguish that our concern is because of unfortunate stance or on the other hand assuming we have given ourselves a blow in the locale in which we endure uneasiness. Clinical experience says that the vast majority of the issues that make us go to the physiotherapist have a lumbar or cervical beginning.

"Beyond a shadow of a doubt, those two are far superior to the rest: low back torment, which was the first; and cervical torment, which was the second. Now they are leveling, we see it in facility step by step ». An expansion in cases that fit our new ways of life, particularly set apart by the blast in versatile use and, all the more as of late, the pandemic.

The lower back is a more grounded region that winds up creating issues for investing a great deal of energy sitting and for different kinds of conduct. Yet, cervical torment, with the presence of cell phones thus numerous hours sitting without doing sports, being a more touchy region, is leveling. Everything is the reason for an inactive way of life and current way of life propensities (μασαζ στο σπιτι)