Weekly Updates

Week 0

Uploaded project proposal

Week 1

This week we decided that doing computer vision to scan the chess board with a camera might be too difficult with the software that we are allowed to use. Instead we are transitioning to make a two player checkers game. We have ordered two wii Knunchuks. We worked on turning on the LCD screen and being able to output the images that we need. 

Week 2

We were able to initialize the board and also add pieces by drawing circles on the board. We also were able to move pieces on the board and get the LCD screen to show the moves. 

Week 3

This week we connected the nunchuk to the board via I2C, and also started coding in more game logic like taking pieces . We also were able to display the available moves for selected pieces.

Week 4

In this last week we were able to get the wii nunchuk to drive player movement, and also be able to display the available moves via button press, and then confirm the move with another button. We finished the game logic and also added end game detection.