Two-Player Checkers

A checkers game using a Knunchuks and LCD Screen 


Mission of the project

The goal of the project is to use the STML32 Microcontroller and multiple peripherals to create a portal two player checkers game.


Wii Nunchuk 

LCD screen

STM32 Nucleo board

Software Design

The game logic is implemented in C, while communication between devices will be done via I2C and SPI. The game board is a 2D array , and pieces of player 1 and 2 are represented as 24 unique array indices. Each piece will be a struct where we can set the status of an active piece and if it is a king or not. Available moves are diagonals in the 2D board representation, and the wii nunchuk will operate via I2C for cursor movement and button presses. The z and c buttons will be used to display moves and move a piece respectively. 

Block Diagram

Demo Video

Checkers Demo.mp4