
The heart of new england council

pack 32 cub scouts

Ayer, massachusetts

Ayer Pack 32 loves and depends on its dedicated volunteers to make it work. We support our community by teaching young scouts the basic tenets of scouting: trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, courtesy, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thriftiness, bravery, cleanliness, and reverence. We also serve our community by doing good works.

AyerCon is looking for Game Masters and board game experts. In particular, we are looking for experienced Game Masters to run scheduled games. We will provide training for all board games on hand.

If you wish to volunteer for this event, please contact Pack32Admin@AyerCon.org.

Pack 32 Scouts: we will provide details for participation at our November Pack Meeting. You may also contact Pack32Admin@AyerCon.org for more information.

Troop 2 & 3 Scouts: Spread the word and contact Pack32Admin@AyerCon.org if you want to help!

ATTENTION SCOUTS: If you volunteer, your entrance fee is waived for the other session.