Useful R packages

The capabilities of R are extended through user-created packages, which allow specialized statistical techniques, graphical devices, import/export capabilities, reporting tools, etc. These packages are developed primarily in R, and sometimes in Java, C, C++, Fortran.  The R packaging system is also used by researchers to create compendia to organise research data, code and report files in a systematic way for sharing and public archiving. 

A core set of packages is included with the installation of R, with more than 15,000 additional packages (as of September 2018) available at the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN),  Bioconductor, Omegahat,  and other repositories. Instead of having the in-built packages in R software sometime we require some additional packages to execute different simulation. This web-page is designed for that purpose. In the following i mention some of the important packages but the list will be appeared if we execute the following code. Since, we are working on R software so i develop a package table with the help of this software.

I obviously acknowledge Gourab Saha, Dipali Mestry for informing me about the package "minpack.lm", "remotes" respectively.

Here is the code for the package list :

######## Package for mathematical and statistical framework 

##### Before going into detail i will tell you the code for installing any packages.

#### The code is "install.packages(pkgs)". The "pkgs" stands for the package name.

Mathematical_or_Statistical_tools =  c("Table generation in Latex", "Laplace_Transformation", "Fourier_transformation", "Multiple_integral", "ODE_solve", "PDE_solve", "Error_function & Incomplete Gamma",

"Numeric_integration", "Gaming_purpose", "Skewness/ Kurtosis", "Ignoring negative values in fitting",  "regression of grouped data", "Delay_differential_equation", "Zooming any graph", "Ocean view", "3d Plot", "GPDD data handling", "Pareto distribution")

Package_name = c("xtable", "invLT", "fourierin", "cubature", "deSolve/rootSolve", "ReacTran", "pracma", "mosaicCalc", "fun", "fBasics", "minpack.lm", "grouped", "PBSddesolve", "zoom", "OceanView", "plot3D", "remotes", "actuar")

Output = cbind(Mathematical_or_Statistical_tools, Package_name)


library(xtable) ### Package for table generation in latex


print("This list will be updated soon")