Contributed talk

Speaker: Natalie Welcome (Arizona State University)

Location and Time: SAS 201, Saturday, 1:45–2:15 PM

Title: Integrating ChatGPT in the Calculus Classroom: Student Perceptions

Abstract: Educators today are faced with the sudden infiltration of generative AI, artificially intelligent tools that generate content far more sophisticated than calculators can deliver and at speeds superseding human ability. The latest AI technologies allow users to produce unique representations of music, art, video, text, speech, and code, all within seconds. Such tools can provide accurate and well-described solutions to mathematical problems. However, as queries become more rigorous or convoluted in nature, these tools have shown limitations with negotiating content, especially in the field of mathematics. AI appears to be capable of recognizing patterns across text and images, not numbers, while students seem to be largely unaware of the limitation. In this study, researchers will investigate using ChatGPT (currently the most used generative AI technology) as a means of learning calculus content. The study will examine student perceptions of the influence of ChatGPT on student achievement in the mathematics course and their perceptions of its use in completing assignments and solving problems.