Contributed talk

Speaker: Karla Acosta-Zamora (Arizona State University - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Location and Time: SAS 221, Saturday, 10:40–11:10 AM

Title: Centrifuged convection in a cube

Abstract: We study a centrifugal system consisting of a cube attached to an arm rotating around a vertical axis via a hinge. The cube filled with fluid is heated on the top wall and cooled on the button; the lateral walls are insulated. This array produces a stratified thermal flow. The complex dynamics of the resulting flow are explored via a parameter characterization of the dependent terms forcing the fluid. We determine the stability criteria for configurations based on experimental reliable flows. The fluid flows are computed from a direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equation. The flow structure is analyzed with different visualization techniques obtaining a topological description of it.