Speaker: Rhonda Olson (Arizona State University)

Location and Time: AC1 115, 10:40–11:10am

Title: To Speak Up or Not? A Bystander’s Dilemma

Abstract: When witnessing a biased comment aimed at a colleague, have you ever wondered whether you should say something? Deciding whether to speak up and how can be complicated. This workshop draws from a variety of research to help bystanders better understand and select effective strategies to respond. Tools and techniques will be provided to help bystanders develop skills and confidence when responding to behaviors that undermine a welcoming environment. Attendees will apply these concepts to everyday incidents of bias in academic settings with an emphasis on understanding the challenges women in STEM experience in these contexts.

Julia Inozemtseva and Rhonda Olson are members of the Diversity, Equity, inclusion and Belonging Committee in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State University and are active with their AWM Student Chapter. Both women have participated in several bystander intervention workshops and were struck by the enormous impact these workshops have had on their perspectives on when and how to speak up. They wanted to share this valuable information with others with the hope of improving the culture and climate in the mathematical sciences.