Speaker: Marina Mancuso (Arizona State University)

Location and Time: AC1 123, 11:20–11:50am

Title: Climate and Infection Age on West Nile Virus Transmission

Abstract: The transmission of mosquito-borne diseases depend on time-varying processes, such as ecological habitat and vector demography. The Climate Integrated Model of Mosquito-borne Infectious Diseases project aims to predict the next mosquito-borne disease outbreak through heterogeneous data fusion and mechanistic modeling. A nonautonomous logistic model with periodically-varying parameters captures the interannual variability of mosquito population data in Toronto, Canada. These time-varying mosquito parameters inform the vector dynamics of a partial differential equations model for WNV transmission, which includes infection-age dynamics of mosquito vectors and bird hosts. As climate change continues to threaten our world, techniques for connecting data-driven mathematical models are crucial to control and mitigate future vector-borne diseases.