Udemy has compiled a list of over 40 courses in this rapidly evolving field that provides learning to choice to everyone irrespective of their current proficiency level. The certifications are divided based on the level of difficulty namely beginner, intermediate and advanced. The top choices include AWS Lambda & serverless architecture Bootcamp, the complete guide, hands-on learning, AWS in Java, Lambda and API gateway, a real-world guide and much more. Use the filters available on the website if you are not sure about which certifications are the best for you. Have a look at our take on Best Amazon EC2 Courses Courses.

Serverless computing is a cloud-native approach to building systems. Instead of deploying services individually and distributing the load across those servers, a serverless architecture helps to manage the entire deployment lifecycle by decomposing the server into functions.

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This article provides an in-depth look at serverless architecture and as a result is a long read. If you need a concise summary of what serverless is and its trade-offs - take a look at the bliki entry on serverless

Serverless, despite the confusing name, is a style of architecture where we rely on running our own server-side systems as part of our applications to a smaller extent than usual. We do this through two techniques: BaaS, where we tightly integrate third-party remote application services directly into the frontend of our apps, and FaaS, which moves server-side code from long-running components to ephemeral function instances.

The objective of Bootcamp 2020 is to train developers to develop cloud based SaaS Apps and general serverless APIs for these apps. It includes developing graphic user interfaces (GUIs) development using React, Gatsby, and React Native.

The objective of Bootcamp 2021 to to train developers to develop cloud based AI and IoT powered serverless APIs. We will not cover graphic user interfaces (GUIs) in Bootcamp 2021 but only voice based conversational interfaces. A conversational interface (CUI) is a user interface for computers that emulates a conversation with a real human. The course of this bootcamp is designed in such a way that Bootcamp 2020 is not a prerequisite to Bootcamp 2021.

Cloud computing is a dynamic avenue or window of opportunity that has the faculties to change the fate of business operations. Serverless architecture, paradigm, or branch within cloud computing is a total banger that has brought a paradigm shift in the world of computing. AWS Lamba is the foundation of this revolution. Our main agenda is to establish the robustness and strength of AWS Lamba to our readers and its role in reshaping the way we approach application development and deployment. But first, we will try to navigate through the intricacies of serverless computing.

Microservices architecture has gained prominence in modern application development, and AWS Lambda seamlessly fits into this paradigm. The serverless nature of Lambda is perfect for the creation of independent and modular services that cater to a specific business function. The biggest benefit of this approach is that it enhances scalability and facilitates independent deployment. It also contributes to a more agile and resilient architecture.

While the serverless model lambda offers unparalleled flexibility, it is not without its challenges and concerns. Cold start refers to the initial latency experienced when a function is invoked. This can severely impact performance. In the occurrence of such an event, developers can implement strategies such as warming up functions or optimizing code to mitigate the impact of cold starts, which results in a more responsive user experience.

Cloud security is the biggest asset of the computing world, which could be compromised. Serverless architectures are not exempted from this challenge. AWS Lambda provides robust security features, including Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, to control access to resources. Proper configuration of IAM roles, securing environment variables, and implementing encryption protocols are critical steps in safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of serverless applications. e24fc04721

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