Geometry, Arithmetic, and Groups
A conference on the interactions between geometry, arithmetic, and groups will be held at the University of Texas, Austin, June 20-24, 2022, celebrating the accomplishments and influences of Alan W. Reid.
Invited speakers
Ian Agol (U. C. Berkeley)
Martin Bridson (Oxford U.)
Jeff Brock (Yale U.)
Ted Chinburg (U. Pennsylvania)
Michelle Chu (U.I. Chicago)
Jeff Danciger (U.T. Austin)
Cameron Gordon (U.T. Austin)
Ursula Hamenstadt* (U. Bonn)
Neil Hoffman (O.S.U.)
Autumn Kent (U.W. Madison)
Darren Long (U.C. Santa Barbara)
Alex Lubotzky (Hebrew U.)
Bruno Martelli (U. Pisa)
Gaven Martin (Massey U.)
Priyam Patel (U. Utah)
Kate Petersen (U.M. Duluth)
Jessica Purcell (Monash U.)
Peter Sarnak* (Princeton U.)
Matt Stover (Temple U.)
Sam Taylor (Temple U.)
Genevieve Walsh (Tufts U.)
Will Worden (Rice U.)
(*online talk)
Talk locations/map. (Coffee/Tea/Pastries/Cookies just outside lecture rooms)
COVID information - please read for updated information about requirements for entering the US.
A not-necessarily-up-to-date list of participants (virtual and in-person).
For childcare options, please see the Extend-A-Care YMCA site.
Registration has now closed. If you would still like to attend, please contact the organizers at the email address below.
Virtual option. The talks will be live-streamed; contact the organizers at the email address below for information.
Organizers: Jason Callahan, Eric Chesebro, Jason DeBlois, Cameron Gordon, Chris Leininger, Ben McReynolds, Kate Petersen.
Email any questions to:
Funded by contributions from University of Texas at Austin Mathematics Department, Rice University Mathematics Department, the National Science Foundation, and GEAR.