Academic Career

Education Background

MS-PhD Integrated Program

MS Thesis: Flexible and Wearable Antennas

Supervisor: Dr. Nam Kim (Assistant Professor)

Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Chengju, Republic of Korea

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Final Year Project: Design and Development of Compact Size MIMO Antenna for 28 GHz 5G Applications.

Supervisor: Dr. Syed Aftab Naqvi (Assistant Professor)

COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus, Pakistan


Research Assosiate

Lab: Optical Information Processing Laboratory (OIP-Lab)

Time Period: Aug (2021) - Present

Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Chengju, Republic of Korea.

Research Assistant

Lab: Department of Integrated IT Engineering

Time Period: March (2020) - June (2021)

Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoul-Tech), Nowon-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Grants, awards, and scholarships

  1. Prime Minister National ICT Scholarship (fully funded) for the complete duration of BS (Ignite National Technology Fund, Pakistan)

  2. National ICT R&D Fund of worth 500 USD for BS Final Year Project. (Ignite National Technology Fund, Pakistan)