Reflections of a NYC girl

Water in the Concrete Jungle

By Alesha Smith

“The earth is mostly made up of water” or “the earth is over 70% water” were phrases that I heard repeatedly throughout primary and secondary school during various classes. There would also be large world maps in different classrooms where every so often an educator would be sure to bring all students attention to the fact that the image (taken from a satellite) shows just how water rich the earth is (indicated by the vastness of varying colors of blue). 

Though I found the fact interesting that Earth was mostly water, I could not understand how that fact connected to my life, other than me residing on the planet Earth. I didn’t live near a beach or any natural bodies of water. I lived in the concrete jungle, also known as New York. In fact, the only time I really gave Earth’s water supply a second thought was when I watched a sci-fi movie where aliens were coming to Earth to try to steal our water.  

Now as an adult, still residing in the concrete jungle, but intentionally expanding my understanding of the world by intentionally navigating different places and spaces, I begin to see the impact of water (or lack thereof) on the everyday life of humans around the world. The enduring questions for me regarding Earth's water supply are as follows: