Aware and Alive
ASSC27 Satellite Symposium on Embodied and Phenomenological Perspectives on Consciousness
8-10th July 2024
@Sapporo, Japan
For decades, scientific studies of consciousness have focused on unravelling the mystery of conscious experience, primarily through the lens of neuroscience and experimental psychology. These studies have yielded invaluable insights, but there is also a growing recognition of the need for a more expansive perspective. In this conference, we take a bold step in that direction by placing embodied and phenomenological perspectives at the forefront. This shift invites us to consider the richness of conscious experience beyond conventional approaches, embracing a more holistic understanding of lived experience shaped through the deep entanglement of the brain, the body, and the world.
Location: The Hokkaido Univeristy Musium, S105
Date: 8-10th July 2024
How to get here (the university website)
Keynote Speakers
Anna Ciaunica
University of Lisbon
University of Lisbon
Claire Petitmengin
Institut Mines-Télécom
Confirmed Speakers
Shogo Tanaka
Tokai University
Andreas Kalckert
University of Skövde
University of Skövde
Adriana Alcaraz Sánchez
University of Antwerp
Lorenzo Pia
University of Turin
University of Turin
Paweł Motyka
Polish Academy of Sciences
Polish Academy of Sciences
Aleš Oblak
University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana
Satoshi Nishida
Center for Information and Neural Networks
Center for Information and Neural Networks
Manuel Baltieri
Matteo Grasso
University of Wisconsin-Madison, ATR
University of Wisconsin-Madison, ATR
Qianchen Liang
Monash University, ATR
Monash University, ATR
Francesco Ellia
University of Bologna, ATR
University of Bologna, ATR
Angus Leung
Monash University, ATR
Monash University, ATR
Camille Lépingle
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Ema Demšar
Monash University
Nadav Amir
Princeton University
Acer Chang
Rikkyo University
Krzysztof Dolega
Université libre de Bruxelles
Brianna Morseth
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andrew W. Corcoran
Monash University
George Fejer
ALIUS / University of Kosntanz / Max Planck Institute
Ryuzo Hirota
The University of Tokyo
Jingyue Xu
California Institute of Technology
Alessandro Solfo
KU Leuven
On-site registratoin is now closed. The online registration is still open.
To register for in-person attendance, please click this link to access the registration page.
To register for a Welcome Party (8th evening), please sign up here.
To register for online attendance via Zoom, please register here.
Call for Abstracts (CLOSED)
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit papers that explore the following (and related) areas:
Phenomenological methods to study consciousness, including continental phenomenology, neurophenomenology, microphenomenology, computational phenomenology, etc.;
The role of the body in shaping consciousness, such as embodied, enactive, and ecological theories;
The relationship between life and consciousness;
Constructivist approaches to conscious experience, including VR/AR/XR studies;
Practice-based approaches to conscious experience, such as meditation, Zen, or Yoga;
Other approaches to expand the horizon of consciousness research
Submission Guidelines:
CLOSED Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 31 New Deadline: June 7
Word Limit: 300 words
Presentation Time: Each selected speaker will be allocated 20 minutes for their presentation.
We now accept poster presentations as well. Please indicate your preference: talk, poster, or either.
Please send the title and abstract of your presentation via email to the event organizers at and
Computational Phenomenology
Practical Approach (Zen, Meditation, Yoga)
Experiential Approach to Consciousness (inc. VR/AR/XR)
Keisuke Suzuki
Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University
Katsunori Miyahara
Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University